Hyacinthus orientalis ‘Fondant’ (Dutch Hyacinth) - Gardenia
Ideal for pots, containers, or garden beds, Hyacinth ‘Fondant’ brings a cheerful sight to the dull days of late winter! Featuring flowered spikes densely covered with starry, apple-blossom pink flowers adorned with paler outer edges, it is delightfully fragrant!
Fondant hyacinth | Old House Gardens
Every bit as sweet as its name, “Fondant” is a pure apple-blossom pink and (according to Cornell scientists) one of the best hyacinths to perennialize – and its delightful fragrance will perfume your garden in the springtime. 8-12”, zones 5a-8a (10bWC), from Holland.
Hyacinthus orientalis Fondant | John Scheepers Beauty from Bulbs
Hyacinthus orientalis Fondant. Also called Pink Frosting, Fondant has neyron-rose florets, or nails, with paler phlox-pink highlights. Hybridized in 1983, is has amassed numerous horticultural awards. Bulb size: 16/17 cm. Full to partial sunlight. Bloom time in horticultural zone 5: April. Plant 6" deep and 6" apart. HZ: 4-8. Height: 8" to 12".
Hyacinth Pink Frosting (Fondant) | K. van Bourgondien - Dutch …
Growing 12" tall, Hyacinth Pink Frosting (Fondant) blooms in early to mid spring and attracts pollinators. It's a wonderful addition to formal beds or scattered in the border between ground covers and perennials or in small clumps in front of evergreens.
Fondant Hyacinth Jumbo Pack | Holland Bulb Farms | 84100
With their gorgeous pink color and sweet fragrance, these hyacinth look almost good enough to eat! The pearly pink petals of this flower seem to resemble frosting on a cake and make wonderful plants for pots, borders, and planting beds. Also a great forcer, these bulbs can be grown in outdoor or indoor in containers!
风信子(Hyacinthus orientalis L. Sp. Pl.),是天门冬科风信子属的多年生草本植物,学名得自希腊神话中受太阳神阿波罗宠眷、并被其所掷铁饼误伤而死的美少年雅辛托斯(Hyacinth)。
Hyacinth Fondant Bulbs | Always Wholesale Pricing - Colorblends®
When Hyacinth Fondant blooms, large heads of clear pink flowers with a white edge emerge from tufts of thick foliage. Fragrant blooms.
Hyacinthus orientalis 'Fondant' | Hyacinthus 'Pink Frosting ...
Hyacinthus orientalis 'Fondant' is a broadleaf deciduous perennial bulb / corm / tuber with green foliage. In spring pink flowers emerge. Features glossy texture. Grows well with sun - mostly sun and regular water. Does well in average and well-drained soil. A good option if you're seeking something verticillium wilt resistant.
Dutch Hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis 'Fondant') in the Hyacinths ...
Plant database entry for Dutch Hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis 'Fondant') with 17 images, 3 comments, and 31 data details.
Hyacinthus orientalis Fondant | Van Engelen Wholesale Flower …
Hyacinthus orientalis Fondant. Also called Pink Frosting, Fondant has neyron-rose florets, or nails, with paler phlox-pink highlights. Hybridized in 1983, is has amassed numerous horticultural awards. Bulb size: 16/17 cm. Full to partial sunlight. Bloom time in horticultural zone 5: April. Plant 6" deep and 6" apart. HZ: 4-8. Height: 8" to 12".