Nissan Z Nismo Custom Wide-Body Kit by Hycade
Introducing the Nissan Z Nismo Custom Design Wide Body Kit by Hycade. Important: This is a design idea and does not exist as a real product yet. This concept is part of the custom design & build service provided by Bête Noire, a world leader in manufacturing custom body kits.
2023 Nissan 400Z “Ultra Nismo” Is a Widebody Dream JDM
2022年6月8日 · For $51,000, which is less than a Toyota GR Supra by the way, you can get yourself the brand new 2023 Nissan Z. This is a pure Japanese sports car with a 400 horsepower twin-turbo 3.0L V6 that’s not of BMW making… and a 9-speed automatic from Mercedes. Pretty cool, right? Yes, but the obvious next step for Nissan is to develop a Nismo version.
帅的不是一点!2022款 日产 Nissan 400Z NISMO——hycade_哔哩 …
它是GTR的转世灵童吗?体验全新日产Ariya Nismo
“恶魔Z”云改装案例!这是你心目中最强的日产NISMO 400Z吗?
2022年7月23日 · 出自Hycode之手的400Z NISMO,外观升级了夸张的宽体套件,搭配以白色为主、黑红作为点缀的配色,整体气场完全不输GT-R。 同时,Hycode还为这套包围融入诸多空气动力学设计,其中就包括给前包围两侧、大灯周围都加入了进气口。
hycade | Nissan 400Z NISMO Bodykit #nissan #400z #nismo
2022年6月7日 · 31K likes, 217 comments - the_hycade on June 7, 2022: "Nissan 400Z NISMO Bodykit #nissan #400z #nismo #bodykit #widebody #hycade #the_hycade #jdmcarsoftiktok #jdmlifestyle #jdmstyle #jdmnissan #tuning #carlifestyle #nissan400z #jdmnation #jdmlove #jdm".
2023 Nissan Z Morphs Into “400Z NISMO,” Already ... - autoevolution
2022年6月8日 · So, for a few weeks now, it has become official – the seventh-generation Z-Car pricing easily undercuts the main GR Supra rival, although if you want the best trim for road and track shenanigans...
LB★Nation WORKS Nissan Z RZ34 (400Z) Body Kit (2023+)
The Liberty Walk Nissan Z Complete Body Kit (2023+). Update your Nissan RZ34 (400Z) with Liberty Walk’s newest widebody kit for 2023; imports directly from Japan. WORKS Kit includes: Front Bumper, Front Diffuser, Rear Diffuser, Rear Wing, Duct Bonnet Hood & Wide Fenders.
2023+ Nissan Z Body Kits & Other Body Parts | Nissan Z Forum
2021年10月24日 · Find and share the best body kits and other body parts for the 2023+ Nissan Z here. This first kit comes from avantedesignhouse. It's just a rendering but could become reality one day. With all these wide body renderings that I've seen I wonder who's going to be the first company to actually build and sell a kit for the Z.
解读2023款日产Z,400马力小号GTR,引入国内你会选择吗?_车 …
相比老款的3.7L自吸V6,新的3.0T V6功率增加了68 马力,达到400马力整,扭矩增加了30%,从1600转/分就可以爆发475Nm的峰值扭矩,一直持续到5600转/分,这个峰扭的转速区间可以说让车辆高速超车时也有不俗的动力表现,红线断油转速为6800转/分,对于喜欢自吸高转速的用户来说,这台涡轮增压发动机完全符合要求。 在6速手动变速箱版本上,Z标配了碳纤维传动轴和EXEDY 高性能离合器,对于手动变速箱不熟悉的车主来说,配备的起步辅助控制系统可以带来帮助, …
StreetHunter Designs specializes in designing, engineering, and manufacturing high quality body kits, parts, and accessories in carbon fiber / FRP options for a range of performance vehicles.