Hydra - FFXIclopedia | Fandom
Hydra was one of the offspring of the monstrous Echidna and Typhon. The others were: Cerberus , Ladon , Sphinx, Nemean Lion , Ethon (the eagle that eats Prometheus's liver eternally), and Orthrus (2-headed guard dog).
Category:Hydra - FFXI Wiki
Forced spawn by by examining the ??? at (I-8) while in possession of a Venomous hydra fang. Abyssea - Grauberg
Hydra Harness Set | FFXIclopedia - Fandom
Hydra Harness Set. This set of armor can be obtained from Dynamis - Tavnazia, and at first glance appears rather unassuming. However, each piece has an enchantment that temporarily transforms it into a far more powerful piece of armor. Number of Pieces: 5 Cost to store: Unknown
Hydra (Notorious Monster) - FFXI Wiki
2024年12月8日 · Gains access to Nerve Gas under 30% if all three heads are alive. This will also reset enmity on the target. Possesses an Auto-Regen. The potency of this decreases with each head Hydra loses. The potency will increase when a head is regenerated.
Category:Hydra Armor - FFXI Wiki
2024年9月17日 · Hydra Armor is composed of four sets, all with very different stats and purposes, that drop from a single type of monster (Nightmare Taurus) in a single zone (Dynamis - Tavnazia). The drop rate has always been fairly good, but the fact that 20 armors (most of which never had a purpose) all shared drop slots off of monsters that you would kill ...
Hydra - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XI wiki - Characters, items, …
While ancient tomes indicate that the Hydra is an independent beast that roams the outlands of its own will, the interrogation of a Mamool Ja spy revealed that the reptilian horde has been attempting to tame the dragon by luring it to their training grounds with the raw flesh of …
Hydra - Final Fantasy XI Database - ffxidb.com
FFXI Data As of the 19 February 2015 update. 271 : Zones : 8887 : NPCs : 25601 : Items : Hydra Zone: Wajaom Woodlands. Drops 5; See also 4; Item Count Average TH0 TH1 TH2 ... b'The meat of the hydra, known as the finest delicacy in the Near East.' Berserker's torque [Neck]All Races. b'Latent effect: "Regain"+10' Lv.75 WAR/PLD/DRK/SAM/DRG ...
Vana'diel Bestiary: Hydra - Fanbyte Final Fantasy XI
2013年1月28日 · Hydra in FFXI Area: Wajaom Woodlands; Hydra Special Attacks; Historical Information
Hydra - FFXI-Caldera Wiki
Hydra. From FFXI-Caldera Wiki. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Location: Wajaom Woodlands: Spawn Conditions: After Server Restart or 21-24 Hours from Last Death Mob Information: Rages after 20 minutes. Drops Weapons (One of)
Hydra (Final Fantasy XI) | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
Hydra are three-headed dragons in Final Fantasy XI that were first spoken about by the lone survivor of a missing volunteer unit when he returned to Al Zahbi. He told an unbelievable story of a three-headed dragon that attacked his companions while they were on a …