Hyper-lattice - SpringerLink
2016年1月6日 · Definition of Hyper-lattice. A partially ordered set A is a Hyper-lattice if: (i) every subset of A has a unique least upper bound (LUB), and (ii) there is a subset L of minimal elements in A such that for each c in L, the set of elements in the ascending chains from c …
Hyper-lattice Algebraic Model for Data Warehousing
This book presents Hyper-lattice, a new algebraic model for partially ordered sets, and an alternative to lattice. The authors analyze some of the shortcomings of conventional lattice structure and propose a novel algebraic structure in the form of Hyper-lattice to overcome problems with lattice.
[2503.09688] Improved Honeycomb and Hyper-Honeycomb Lattice ...
1 天前 · Improved Kogut-Susskind Hamiltonians for quantum simulations of non-Abelian Yang-Mills gauge theories are developed for honeycomb (2+1D) and hyper-honeycomb (3+1D) spatial tessellations. This is motivated by the desire to identify lattices for quantum simulations that involve only 3-link vertices among the gauge field group spaces in order to reduce the complexity in applications of the ...
Compass-model physics on the hyperhoneycomb lattice in the
2024年12月6日 · Our results show that rare-earth ions on threefold coordinated lattices offer a platform for the exploration of quantum compass spin models in the extreme spin-orbit regime, with qualitatively...
Lattice metamaterials with controllable mechanical properties …
2024年12月1日 · Lattices with cell topology originated from the four-dimensional hypercubes are developed. Stiffness and strength isotropy can be simultaneously realized. Dual stress plateaus with controllable magnitudes and densification strain are achieved. Continuously controllable mechanical properties are achieved by adjusting geometric parameters.
Hyper Lattice Structure for Data Cube Computation
2023年3月25日 · A hyper lattice is a hybrid variant of the standard lattice structure with multiple base cuboids. In a hyper lattice design, two or even more lattices share data storage. Hyper lattice is more flexible and versatile than standard lattice in that it allows for the addition of different dimensions, whereas standard lattice does not allow for this.
Phononic dispersion in anisotropic pseudo-fractal hyper-lattices
2019年2月15日 · Pseudo-fractal hyper-lattices are considered with dispersion surface morphology and frequency band structure being studied. Numerous dispersion surfaces form and eliminate bandgaps, a potentially useful feature for acoustic detectability.
Hyper-lattice Algebraic Model for Data Warehousing (SpringerBriefs …
2016年1月29日 · This book presents Hyper-lattice, a new algebraic model for partially ordered sets, and an alternative to lattice. The authors analyze some of the shortcomings of conventional lattice structure and propose a novel algebraic structure in the form of Hyper-lattice to overcome problems with lattice.
Phys. Rev. D 86, 124003 (2012) - Modelling gravity on a hyper-cubic lattice
2012年12月3日 · We present a simple dynamical model of symmetric, nondegenerate matrices of fixed signature defined on an -dimensional hyper-cubic lattice with nearest-neighbour interactions. We show how this model is related to general relativity, and discuss multiple ways in which it can be useful for studying gravity, both classical and quantum.
Metal-like ductility and high hardness in nitrogen-rich HfN
1 天前 · The lattice slightly expands by the presence of nitrogen interstitial, whereas Hf vacancies have a greater contracting effect 18. The relatively unchanged lattice parameter compared to ...