HD Hyundai Electric has a diverse product family of Low/Medium Voltage circuit breakers, from MCCBs for use in homes to ACBs and VCBs for industrial plants. Our high-quality products safely protect your electrical equipment.
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Provide transformer, GIS, Switchgear, Marine solution, Total energy solutions.
Hyundai - Hyakin
Customized Retrofit ACB. New products can be developed to be compatible/installed according to the distance of cradle phase/pole/land and terminal size of the ACB that has been installed previously. Economic : No need for busbar and external box replacement, minimum construction period, uninterruptable replacement in case of body retrofit.
UAN HYUNDAI Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) - AKORM
ACB. VCB. Measuring Device. Contact us HYUNDAI UAN Air Circuit Breaker. UAN UAS. HiAN. HiAS. Frame. A frame. B frame. C frame D frame. Recognition order code: Rated current (In max at 40˚C) (A) UAN 06A: 630. UAN 06B: 630 : UAN 08A: 800. UAN ...
HD현대일렉트릭 - HD Hyundai Electric
최고의 차단 용량과 다양한 제품으로 일반 주택에서 사용되는 MCCB부터 산업 플랜트에 설치되는 ACB, VCB까지 다양한 제품군을 보유하고 있으며, 어떠한 부하 환경에서도 안심하고 차단할 수 있어 전력 설비를 더욱 안전하게 보호합니다. 또한 DEKRA, KERI, CESI와 같은 국제 공인 검사 기관 테스트를 통해 유연성, 안전성, 신뢰성을 확보하였습니다. 스마트 에너지 솔루션 전문업체. 변압기, 차단기, 배전반, 선박 전장품, 에너지 융복합 솔루션.
Downloads - HD Hyundai Electric
Provide transformer, GIS, Switchgear, Marine solution, Total energy solutions.
HiAH type ACB has the highest breaking capacity in the world, especially for marine use or in power plants. Wide current from 630A to 3200A can be realized in the same frame.
HiAN HYUNDAI Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) - AKORM
HYUNDAI HiAN Air Circuit Breaker. UAN UAS. HiAN. HiAS. Model. HiAN06. HiAN08. HiAN10. HiAN12. HiAN16. HiAN20. HiAN25
Hyundai ACB Catalog SP HAT | PDF | Relay | Switch - Scribd
The document provides specifications for an air circuit breaker (ACB) product line. It includes details on ratings, features, protection characteristics, accessories, and more. The ACB is available in different frame sizes and configurations to suit various applications.
UAN25B HYUNDAI Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) - AKORM
HYUNDAI UAN25B Air Circuit Breaker. UAN. UAS. HiAN. HiAS. UAN06A. UAN06B. UAN08A. UAN08B. UAN10A. UAN10B. UAN12A. UAN12B