赫兹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
赫兹是以首个用实验验证 电磁波 存在的科学家 海因里希·赫兹 命名,常用于描述 正弦波 、 乐音 、 无线电 通讯以及计算机 时钟频率 等。 赫兹的定义为每一秒周期性事件发生的次数 [4],而 國際度量衡委員會 将 秒 定义为: 銫 133原子 基态 的兩個超精細 能階 間 躍遷 對應輻射的9,192,631,770個週期的持續時間 [5],因此銫133原子基態的兩個超精細能階間躍遷對應輻射的频率被定义为9,192,631,770赫兹。 较高的频率可以使用kHz(10 3 Hz)、MHz(10 6 Hz) …
Hertz - Wikipedia
The hertz (symbol: Hz) is the unit of frequency in the International System of Units (SI), often described as being equivalent to one event (or cycle) per second. [1] [a] The hertz is an SI derived unit whose formal expression in terms of SI base units is s −1, meaning that one hertz is one per second or the reciprocal of one second. [2]
赫兹,是国际单位制中频率的单位,它是每秒钟的周期性变动重复次数的计量。 赫兹简称赫。 每秒钟振动(或振荡、波动)一次为1赫兹,或可写成次/秒,周/秒。 因德国科学家赫兹而命名。
Orders of magnitude (frequency) - Wikipedia
60 Hz Electromagnetic – standard AC mains power (American AC, Osaka AC), refresh rate of NTSC CRT televisions and standard refresh rate of computer monitors
频率单位Hz、MHz、GHz、THz、PHz、EHz换算关系 - CSDN博客
2021年9月9日 · 前言 赫兹对于我们来说,再也熟悉不过;赫兹(Hz)描述的是每一秒中发生的周期性事件次数,作国际频率单位,也常见于描述电磁波、信号、声音的性质。赫兹派生单位还包括千赫兹(KHz)兆赫兹(MHz)、吉赫兹(GHz)等。
Hertz - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The hertz (symbol: Hz, definition: 1/ s) is a unit derived from time which measures frequency in the International System of Units (SI). Frequency is how often something happens. A frequency of 1 hertz means that something happens once a second.
HZ(物理單位):頻率單位,基本概念,常見量值,命名由來,漢字編碼,城市 …
Hz,中文名赫茲,簡寫為:赫,是頻率的基本單位,為紀念驗證電磁波存在的德國物理學家海因里希·魯道夫·赫茲 (Heinrich Rudolf Hertz )而得名。 赫茲是電,磁,聲波和機械... Studio 3 Hz,日本的動畫製作公司。
Hertz | Definition & Facts | Britannica
Hertz, unit of frequency. The number of hertz (abbreviated Hz) equals the number of cycles per second. The frequency of any phenomenon with regular periodic variations can be expressed in hertz, but the term is used most frequently in connection with alternating currents, electromagnetic waves, and sound.
What is Hertz? Definition & Facts - Electrical Volt
We measure higher frequencies in kilohertz (kHz), megahertz (MHz), gigahertz (GHz), and terahertz (THz). We commonly use hertz to describe periodic waveforms and musical tones, especially in radio and audio contexts. It also measures the clock speeds of …
hertz – Metric System
The hertz, symbol Hz, is the SI coherent derived unit of frequency. It is the special name for the reciprocal second, symbol s -1 . One hertz is defined as one cycle per second.