[SOLVED] - 60 Hz vs 144 Hz - Tom's Hardware Forum
2019年1月2日 · I have a 60 HZ monitor (1080p) with a gtx 1070 ,when i play a game it shows more than 60 fps ,but does it mean i am getting those frames or just 60 fps.If i am getting just 60 fps , is it worth buying the most affordable 144hz monitor ,i.e. acer gn246hl.
[SOLVED] FramesPerSeccond vs RefreshRate [ FPS vs HZ ] - Tom's …
2020年4月22日 · I tought i understand the diffrence from FPS and HZ. Now again im not sure anymore. FPS = frames per seccond. a frame is a single picture that is being shown on the monitor. HZ = refresh rate of the monitor. 60 hz means the monitor is being updated 60 times in one seccond. 165 hz means the monitor is being updated 165 times in one seccond.
60hz vs 75hz on 60fps - Tom's Hardware Forum
2017年9月21日 · 60 fps on 60 hz vs 75hz: - from smoothness, no difference - on 75hz, you have less chance of seeing screen tearing without freesync remember! 75hz means also the max fps. If you have 75hz monitor and if you pc can push 75 fps, you will see 75 fps.
60 hz monitor (with gsync/freesync) vs 144 hz monitor (without)
2015年8月10日 · In the end, a 60 Hz display is limited to 16.67 ms. Another real world example you might be able to try yourself, is to use your mobile phone, and turn on the video camera. Lower the FPS (if you have that option) and play your recorded video back. Do the same thing again, but at a higher FPS. The video will appear much smoother.
Is there a visible difference between 60 FPS vs 120 FPS gaming?
2013年3月26日 · Changing to a 120Hz display might help make things smoother for you, but it might not too. You need to have hardware capable of getting a steady FPS over 60 and especially over 120 for the best experience and that's also assuming that you can tell the difference.
1080p 144hz vs 1440p 60 hz monitors? | Tom's Hardware Forum
2017年4月21日 · Fast moving fps or racing games benefit greatly from higher Hz. However non reaction based games will look much nicer on a higher resolution and won't benefit much from a higher Hz screen. I do play a mix of fps and non fps games but i'd say more fps
FPS vs Refresh rate vs Ping - Tom's Hardware Forum
2018年2月24日 · OK, I'm confused. I always thought that there was no need to demand more fps from one's video card than the v. refresh rate of your monitor. But other gamers informed me that even with a 60 hz monitor they could "feel" the difference in their response time if their fps was greater than 60 fps. Ok, I bought that I guess. But then I started thinking.
[SOLVED] Is there a difference between 60 FPS in 60Hz monitor vs …
2022年3月9日 · If you set 60hz on a 144hz, 120hz, 75hz or any other above screen, you'll get a capped 60fps (meaning your fps won't ever go higher than 60fps but it might go lower) while if your pc is capable of more than 60fps and running with a screen able to reach higher hz, you'll still be capped, you can setup the pc's graphics and display system to many different options to …
60 Hz vertical Refresh vs FPS - Tom's Hardware Forum
2015年6月23日 · 60 Hz vertical refresh rate means you are limited to see 60 frames per second on your monitor. You need a 120hz or 144hz monitor to push past 60 frames. For the benefits, more frames means smoother game play and less screen tearing but it depends on your graphics card and monitor if you can push past 60 frames.
1080p 60hz vs 144hz - Tom's Hardware Forum
2017年2月14日 · Refresh rate (Hz) = Maximum FPS that the monitor can display properly. A 60hz monitor is only capable of refreshing its image 60 times every second, and therefore is only able to show you 60fps. A 144hz monitor is capable of refreshing its image 144 times every second, and therefore can show up to to 144fps.