"I'm OK with it" VS "It's OK with me"
2021年8月29日 · Perhaps "It's okay with me." would be how you respond if you were being asked for your approval. "I'm okay with it." is how you would respond if you were being asked your opinion. But I'm not sure that you could really detect an actual difference in usage.
phrase meaning - Does 'I'm ok.' mean yes or no? - English …
2018年4月13日 · To me it seems that I'm ok / good / fine indicates that I have no need of anything at the moment. So if I'm being offered something, it basically means, No, thank you-- which would be a more formal and polite expression to use. Some people might take that as "rejection", although I doubt that is the real intent.
Which sentence is better between “I’m OK.” and “That’s OK.”
2013年4月6日 · Having spent a great deal of time in Montreal, QC, and Baltimore, MD, I notice a difference in this particular phrase. I might recommend that your #1 answer (Thank you, but I'm good) would be heard more often in Maryland, while your #2 answer (Thank you, but I'm okay) would be heard more often said to a friend in
word choice - Difference between "I'm fine" and "I'm good"
2013年1月24日 · Agreed, but in addition it's interesting to note that if someone asks you "How are you?", the answers of "fine" and "good" mean the same exact thing (which is "there's nothing going on with me I have a reason to talk to you about, but thanks for going through the ritual of politeness") It's funny how much of a difference adding the "I'm" makes, because it tells the …
I am ok for it - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2017年3月10日 · ‘For the Table’ means ‘I’m craving chips but I’m taking everyone down with me’. You need to have stated your intentions for the chips at the time of ordering. As in, loudly saying, ‘I’m OK for chips’ to verbally state that you will not be entering into the chip contract. Don’t feel pressured. I never saw "I'm okay for chips ...
"I'm well" vs. "I'm good" vs. "I'm doing well", etc
2010年8月13日 · For “I’m well”, there is well (adjective) 1b: being in satisfactory condition or circumstances. For “I’m good”, there is good (adjective) 2e: free from infirmity or sorrow. For “I’m doing good”, there is good (adverb) 1: WELL . So they all seem fine to me.
word choice - 'How about yourself?' vs. 'How about you?' - English ...
2018年2月1日 · but that is just a bit longer and the 'you' just seems a bit pointless - the brain can work out without any extra effort what you mean. So, I'd use 'you' if there is no ambiguity between the person I'm addressing and others and 'yourself' …
English word for “fine under the circumstances”
2020年3月30日 · I’m doing OK/okay. Lexico: OK (also okay) ADJECTIVE informal predicative 1 Satisfactory but not exceptionally or especially good. ‘In fairness, Casey probably did an okay job of the song, but I'd fallen asleep ten seconds into it.’ 1.1 (of a person) in a satisfactory physical or mental state. ‘are you OK, Ben?’
Meaning of "That's okay" - English Language Learners Stack …
2015年6月10日 · A1: I'm okay the way I am. Thank you for offering to give me a hot dog. A2: My present situation is good/cool/fine. Note that all of these responses (I'm okay, I'm good, I'm fine, I'm cool) are casual speech, to varying degrees. I would use them with my friends, or my employer, but maybe not with my prospective employer.
phrases - "either is fine" and "both are fine" - English Language ...
2016年8月21日 · I feel like "either is fine" is dominant among native speakers. What about "both are fine"? Somehow I'm more inclined to say the latter, but not sure of its legitimacy. Clarifications: The exact question is like this: Shall we go today or tomorrow? Meaning to …