What do we mean by “I am agile”? Exploring the key ideas
2023年5月12日 · For me, at its core, (a) agile is about figuring out the most effective way of delivering value and outcomes to customers, stakeholders, and teams. For this to be possible agile ways of working...
How Do You Know if You're Really Agile? - Scrum.org
2021年3月18日 · Numerous industry surveys have shown organizations receive a number of benefits from being agile. Unfortunately, the collection and analysis of empirical evidence is rarely conducted. Without robust empirical measures, many turn to the symbols they can see - measuring velocity, team happiness, and getting teams to "self assess" their capability.
What Does It Mean to Have an Agile Mindset? | AgileConnection
2015年4月2日 · The agile mindset is an attitude that equates failure and problems with opportunities for learning and invaluable feedback. In other words, it’s a belief that we can all grow stronger over time if you put in effort to increase your knowledge and support the team, and the organizational culture gives you the space to do it.
Agile和Scrum的区别?一文弄清软件开发中的这2个概念! - 知乎
Agile(敏捷) 是一种思维方式,或者说是一种理念,它的核心在于快速响应变化、持续交付高质量软件,并优先满足客户的需求。 敏捷是一个总括性的术语,它包括一系列的实践方法,比如 Scrum、 Kanban 、 Lean 、 Extreme Programming (XP)等,即 Agile 的含义是大于 ...
Am I agile or just pretending to be? | Agile Mindset - aleas.li
Am I agile or just pretending to be? In agile management not only a powerful framework but also the corresponding mindset plays an important role. At its core, it is about a mentality that is supported and promoted by agile practices.
Are you truly Agile? Ask yourself these 6 simple questions
2020年8月6日 · In this article, we share our top criteria to assess whether you are truly Agile or not yet. In order to determine if you have fully adopted the Agile methodology, ask yourself these six simple questions: 1. Do you have the right roles which are held by the right people?
What is Agile? - Project Management Institute
As a way of working, agile is an iterative approach to work that helps teams deliver value faster and with fewer headaches. Instead of betting everything on a big launch, agile teams deliver work in small, consumable increments. There are several widely used agile methodologies, including Scrum, SAFe ®, and Extreme Programming.
Agile 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Agile Methodology
Agile 101 begins with understanding that agile can be applied to anything. You can use agile practices to improve your personal task management, optimize workplace efficiency, or align software teams around product development.
How to answer "What is your experience with agile …
Learn how to answer "What is your experience with agile methodologies and iterative development processes?" in a job interview with our expert tips and sample answers.
What Does It Mean To Be Agile? - LinkedIn
2020年6月3日 · To be agile is to be active, mentally aware, and highly responsive. For me this takes shape in many ways when I am interacting with people and building teams. It comes in being engaged and...