iBur - Stryker | Neurosurgical and Advanced Guidance ...
“The iBur provides a competitive advantage in its design, irrigation and line of sight.1“-Spine surgeon.
iBur - Stryker
The iBur provides a competitive advantage in its design, irrigation and line of sight." REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFO. CONTACT A SALES REP. Stryker design validation completed for iBur devices, data on file. This website is intended solely for the use of healthcare professionals.
inclusive angled attachment, cutting accessory and family provides a direct view of the bur tip on the surgical you’ll always know where you stand. And this integrated simplifies use and amplifies eficiency. Created by attachments become the fifth family within Signature help you see and perform your best. “I like the fact the shaft is integrated.
bur on surgical surface Integrated attachment, cutting Low, slim profile with tapered, concave design enables direct line of sight ... 5407-120-300 iBur Straight Hub 5407-120-300A iBur Angled Hub 15° Distal bend (12.5cm, orange color band) 8431-107 …
Allan Durand: Director, code & animation Romain Delambily: Design & illustration Incredible Polo: Music & sound design
enables direct view of bur on surgical surface Mechanical improvements1,2 • Motor bearing grease boasts higher viscosity and max operating ... 5407-120-300A iBur Angled Hub 15° Distal bend (12.5cm, orange color band) 8431-107-530 3.0mm iBur Precision Match Head 8431-107-030D 3.0mm iBur Diamond Match Head
Attachments – Stryker Signature 2 Portfolio
length and balance for neuro otologists and ENTs. Non-footed attachmentswith slam latch and release collar permit easier release technique while augmenting safety. A remarkable view. iBurTMintegrated attachments. “I like the fact the shaft is integrated. The irrigation component is nice…it did not get hot at all.”2. Spine surgeon.
Our broad-ranging products and expert support help healthcare professionals improve patient care and enhance operational results. Our Neurosurgical businesses focus on delivering the high-performance instrumentation and systems needed for complex procedures in the most delicate and complex areas of the human body.
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