Modals - 'can' and 'can't' - LearnEnglish Kids
Modals – 'can' and 'can't' We can use can and can't to talk about abilities in the present. I can swim. They can speak English. He can't ride a bike. How to use them. Use the infinitive …
'can' and 'could' - LearnEnglish - British Council
We use can to give permission: You can go home now. You can borrow my pen if you like. We use can to say that someone has permission to do something: We can go out whenever we …
Can, can't – ability, possibility, permission - Test-English
We use can/can’t to talk about ability in the present (=things that we know how to do). Laura can sing very well. I can’t speak German. Possibility. We use can/can’t to ask for permission or to …
这9个英文句子太魔性了,要上天啊! - 知乎专栏
smell和taste在英文中被称为“ 感官动词 ”,相当于 系动词,后面可以直接跟“表语(形容词)”,描述主语(臭豆腐)的性质状态。 smelly(臭的)和tasty(美味的)都是形容词。 这是几点 …
i can 是什么意思_i can 的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸在线词典
爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供i can 的中文意思,i can 的用法讲解,i can 的读音,i can 的同义词,i can 的反义词,i can 的例句等英语服务。
CAN / CAN'T Ability Possibility - GrammarBank
CAN / CAN'T shows ability, inability, request, permission, possibility, and inappropriateness. a. I can speak English. b. You can leave early today. c. Can I come in, please? NOTE: Negative …
I can vs. Can i | Compara palabras en inglés - inglés.com
"I can" es una forma de "can", un verbo auxiliar que se puede traducir como "poder". "Can I" es una frase que se puede traducir como "puedo" . Aprende más sobre la diferencia entre "I can" …
"i can" 和 "can i" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
i can"Can I" is used in a question. Can I walk to school? I can is a statement. I can run well. |"I can" is for stating that you are able to do something. "Can I" is for asking if you can do …
Can - English Grammar Today - Cambridge Dictionary
We use can to express possibility or to question possibilities: We can go to Rome in June because both of us have a week off work. (It is possible for us to go to Rome because we …
Modals – ‘can’ and ‘can’t’ We can use can and can’t to talk about abilities in the present. 1. True or false? Read and circle true or false for these sentences. a. She can swim. true false b. She …