International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
The International Journal of Biological Macromolecules is an established international journal of research into chemical and biological aspects of all natural macromolecules.It presents the latest findings of studies on the molecular structure and properties of proteins, macromolecular carbohydrates, glycoproteins, proteoglycans, lignins, biolog...
journal of molecular biology这个期刊目前的发展如何? - 知乎
JMB没什么可发展的……本身就是一个很小众的期刊。 领域方面,只要涉及分子水平的生物学问题,什么都收,算是相当综合性的生物学期刊了。 但作为半月刊,每期发表的文章数量又很少。 其实这就变成了一个比较小圈子的期刊。 只看影响因子的话,并不高,连PNAS这种分水岭的水平都达不到。 但因为发表的数量小,所以其实平均水准还是相当不错的,浮动范围很小。 业内也比较认可……或者应该说不知道的也就不知道了,知道的还是相当认可的。 横向比较一下的话, …
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2024年7月3日 · Mouse Type: USB Wired Optical Gaming Mouse. i-JMB Wired Optical Gaming Mouse Number of Mouse Buttons: 7 Keys. Mouse Interface: USB. i-JMB Gaming Mouse Pad i-JMB Mouse Pad HD texture design provides fast and extra smooth mouse sliding experience.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules(IJBM), 中科院化学1区 Top,最新 IF7.7,从未被中科院预警,凭借其高影响因子和分区、快速的审稿速度和对中国科研人员的友好态度,成为科研者们不可多得的高性价比选择。 2024年 中国作者SCI发文量排行 中,IJBM高居 第四,仅次于 Chemical Engineering Journal (CEJ)、 Scientific reports 和 Heliyon。 除去“有稿就收”的综合性期刊,IJBM仅排在另一争议期刊CEJ之后。 今年,该期刊已发 9319 篇论文,其中 …
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2018年11月1日 · Hi, I was finding gaming keyboards to buy for a low budget. And the I-JMB may be my interest. But I don't know if it's really worth it, does it for example have led lights, RGB, and etc? I...
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To get IJMB form is very simple. You do not need to be in a specific area to obtain the IJMB form, as long as you have a close-by cyber cafe, mobile phone, Tab or Laptop that is connected to the internet for the purpose of IJMB registration. Steps In Applying For IJMB Programme.
Indian Journal of Medical Biochemistry
EDITORIAL Akila Prashant , Prashant Vishwanath Aligning Medical Biochemistry Research with Sustainable Development Goals: A Path to Health and Equity DOI: 10.5005/ijmb-29-1-iv