老外说的“I'm just saying”是什么意思? - 知乎专栏
"I'm just saying" 是一种口语表达,常用于对话中,通常用来表示说话人提出的观点或建议不是要争论或引发争议,而只是单纯陈述。 例句. The weather forecast predicts rain all weekend, so maybe we should bring umbrellas. I'm just saying, it's better to be prepared. 天气预报说整个周末都会下雨,也许我们应该带雨伞。 有备无患嘛。 Just my two cents. 这个表达类似于“这只是我个人的意见”,用来表示说话人的观点,但并不是硬性建议,而是提供一个想法或看法。 例句.
“I’m just saying.” ってどういう意味? - 英語たいむ
2023年8月21日 · 海外ドラマや映画を見ているときに、 “I’m just saying.” という英語フレーズを見かけたことはありませんか? 日本語に訳すと「私は言ってるだけだ。
(I'm) just saying | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
(also just saying) used when saying something negative or something that other people might not like or might find unusual , without trying to defend or give reasons for what you say: I don't want to insult anybody, but I'm just saying ...
老外说的“I'm just saying”是什么意思? - 网易
2023年8月29日 · 这句话的意思是“不要开枪打信使”,表示说话人只是传递信息,不要因为信息内容而针对他们。 I'm just delivering the news – don't shoot the messenger, alright? 我只是传递消息——别怪我,好吗? I hate to say it, but... 类似于“我不想说,但是...”,用来引入可能会令人不悦的观点。 I hate to say it, but I don't think the team is ready for the upcoming challenge. 我不想说,但是我觉得团队还没有准备好迎接即将到来的挑战。
(I'm) just saying中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
(I'm) just saying翻译:(在批评或抱怨时,用于减弱语气)我不过说一下。了解更多。
Just saying? 说说而已 - Chinadaily.com.cn - 中国日报网英语点津
2022年3月29日 · Just saying mean’s literally, I’m just saying. The speaker is just voicing an opinion. He or she has this notion that their friend remains too thin (perhaps many years after they saw each other last). So they speak their mind. After saying it, they realize it’s perhaps not the most appropriate thing to say.
看美剧学英语:I'm just saying的不同用法 - 百度知道
一、当咱们因为说了一些不动听的话而惹恼(或惹怒)听话人的时候,咱们可以赶紧来一句“I'm just saying.”,安抚对方的隋绪。 它的潜台词是:I'm not trying to offend you anything.I'm just saying what I think is the truth.
"I'm just saying"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
"I'm just saying" is slang, and is used to indicate that what you have just said (or are about to say) is somewhat unkind (although often humorous too), and is a way of saying "I am only stating what is obvious." or "I'm only saying what is true." example: "He seems nice, but does he have to bring his dog with him everywhere he goes? I'm just ...
“I’m just saying”
Say, something like "I'm just saying, If you paint your car purple, some people might think you're a bit weird." Translation: You're my friend. I'll support you no matter what you do.
'Just Saying': What Does It Mean? - Psych Central
2023年4月17日 · “I’m just saying” is a phrase a person uses in an attempt to avoid apologizing or taking responsibility when they say something offensive.