Program to Accelerate Clinical Research using Epic (PACE)
PACE was established to help clinical researchers take full advantage of tools within the Epic Electronic Health Record system for their research projects. We design and build customized Epic content for your project to enhance the efficiency and standardization of the data collection process and improve data quality.
I-PACE模型-心百科 - wiki.mindseed.cn
人格-情感-认知-执行交互模型(Interaction of Person-Affect-Cognition-Execution model,简称 I-PACE)由Brand等人于2016年提出的,该理论认为个人特质、情感和认知反应以及个体执行功能因素都会导致网络使用问题的形成,特定的网络使用障碍被认为是诱发变量、调节变量 ...
Our Software - Epic
We are builders and inventors who develop our software as a single comprehensive health record. It's made to work together inside and outside the traditional walls of a health system.
I-Pace engine/powertrain computer/module - Jaguar I-Pace …
2022年11月14日 · There's the EPIC (electric power inverter converter) module on each motor that controls power going into and regen power out of the motors. The only ones not requiring a high voltage system power down are the BCM/GWM and PCM.
Resources for Outside Providers - Innovage
2022年10月20日 · EpicCare Link is InnovAge's web-based portal where outside clinical providers can have secure, real-time read-only access to the health records of InnovAge participants who have been referred to them. Outside providers can also connect with InnovAge's interdisciplinary care team. What is available in EpicCare Link?
10 Yale Physician Epic Tips For Easy Integration
2024年10月18日 · The best way to get started with Epic is to attend a comprehensive training session, which covers the basics of the system, including navigation, order management, and documentation. You can also access online training resources, including videos and tutorials, to learn at your own pace.
Epic - PaceMate
Experience the PaceMateLIVE™ difference—real-time Epic EHR data. Real-time data from day one. Virtually zero data entry at onboarding. No stale data ever. Our Epic customers experience the advantage of fast and easy implementation. With the PaceMateLIVE platform, you benefit from our innovative Epic partnership and exclusive real-time integration.
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剖析捷豹I-PACE纯电动汽车电力驱动系统(二) - 精通维修下载
EPIC将AC整流为直流电(DC)并调节电压,从而为HV蓄电池充电,HV蓄电池存储电能。 前部和后部EPIC连接到电力驱动冷却系统。 电子驱动冷却液的流量由PCM进行控制。 EPIC具有4个电气接头,分别为:(1)至EV蓄电池的HVDC接头;(2)至EDU的HV3相AC接头;(3)电气等电位连接电缆;(4)012V系统和EDU控制的主接线线束接头。 高压接线盒(HVJB)在BCCM的正后方,如图23所示。 高压接线盒(HVJB)接收来自高压(Hv) 蓄电池 的HV电源,并将电力分 …
PACE was established to help clinical researchers take full advantage of the Epic Electronic Health Record system for their research projects. We provide guidance regarding existing Epic research functionality as well as designing and building customized Epic content for your project