Set up your Google tag in Google Tag Manager
Set up the server container URL by adding a new configuration parameter: Name: server_container_url; Value: Set to the server container URL of your Tag Manager server container; Set up user properties: User properties are attributes that describe groups of your user base, such as their language preferences or geographic locations. You can use ...
Manage parental controls - Google Account Help
Manage supervision and content settings Once you've added supervision to your child's Google Account, you can: Manage account settings Set app and screen time limits Check location of supervi
Create a Gmail account - Gmail Help - Google Help
Important: Before you set up a new Gmail account, make sure to sign out of your current Gmail account. Learn how to sign out of Gmail. From your device, go to the Google Account sign in page. Click Create account. In the drop down, select if the account is for your: Personal use; Child; Work or business
Make Chrome your default browser - Google Help
Next: Set the position of your address bar If you make Chrome your default browser, links you click will open automatically in Chrome whenever possible. In some countries, you may be asked to choose your default browser.
Make Google your default search engine
At the bottom, click Set as default. Internet Explorer 10. Open Internet Explorer. In the top right corner of the page, click the gear icon. Click Manage add-ons. On the left side of the page, click Search Providers. In the bottom left corner, click Find more providers. Select Google. Click Add to Internet Explorer.
Add another email account on your computer - Gmail Help
In a web browser, at mail.google.com, you can add: Another Gmail account. A non-Gmail account like Yahoo or iCloud Mail.
Set time, date and time zone - Clock Help - Google Help
Set time, date and time zone You can change your clock’s settings, including the date, time, and time zone. You can set how your alarms and timers work, and add clocks for other cities.
Send & receive text messages (SMS & MMS)
Set up Messages on Android You can send and receive SMS (text) and MMS (multimedia) messages through the Messages app . Messages are considered texts and don't count toward your data usage.
Find & set up Bluetooth devices near your Android device
Not set; Speaker; Headphones; Car; Hearing device; Other; Tip: Setting the correct device type can help: Spatial audio experience on specific audio device types. Hearing health and loudness measurement features. Change your Android device's Bluetooth name
Get started with Classroom for students
This article is for students. Teachers, go here. If you’re new to Classroom, this article will show you around and help you complete common tasks.