"The use of" vs. "using" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2014年4月27日 · In the second, the noun "the use" is representing an action, which means that other things happen - its arguments as a verb become arguments as a noun, for instance - but essentially, but turning the action into a noun, you can refer to it later as "it". I'd generally use the second, but I tend to write in more formal or academic registers.
word choice - When should we use "and" and/or "and/or"?
and/or is as official as English gets in the sense that you can use it in extremely formal contexts. There is typically a better way to say whatever is being said but it does convey a specific meaning. You should use and/or when both options are applicable in its place. "I would like cake and/or pie" means "I would like one or both of the ...
grammar - When to use "this" or "that"? - English Language
2015年4月6日 · Nearness and farness is only one use of this and that. Or the use of this when it is in relationship to "my" and of "that" when it is in relationship to "your". But in a lot of cases there is no distinction between two things at different places. "that" is the stronger of the two demontratives. That silly friend of yours. - Deprecating use.
prepositions - Which to use: 'from...to' or 'between..and' - English ...
2018年8月1日 · We use from - to + beginning and end of a period Last evening we watched TV from 5 to 8 o' clock. If you google "from * to" (including the quotes) you will find countless more examples in everyday usage.
Correct use of "circa" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2011年8月11日 · I understand the use of circa / c. as it applies to approximating dates. However, I have a writer who (over)uses the word in other contexts. Examples:... from circa early 1990s up until circa 8 years ago ..... said population is circa 92 …
Use of "what" vs "that" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
The following sentence was on one of the tests: What would you like to do that others have told you is impossible. Students have asked why that could not be replaced with what. I.e., What w...
Using "of" vs. "on" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2020年7月28日 · "Schedule production on these materials" vs. "Schedule production of these materials" These two confuse me as the following sentence sound more appropriate using "of." "Production of these materials will take place in November." -- In this case, we cannot use "on." Thanks in advance!
How do you handle "that that"? The double "that" problem
2010年9月25日 · I use 'that that' quite often because it gives you an explicit reference to the exact subject referred to previously. Simply replacing it with 'this' sometimes will not do as I sometimes wish to refer to 'that' specifically.
"I use to", or "I used to" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2013年5月6日 · I am quite sure that "It didn't use to be like that" is generally accepted in American English nowadays, but it might not have been 15 years ago when the NOAD was first being compiled. The Ngram shows that in American English used not to occurred less than half as frequently as didn't use(d) to in 2008, and its use has been steadily declining.
When to use "is" and "was" for thing that has happened?
The use of the past tense would imply, for example that "She is not married anymore", and consequently single again. married and approved is more the status of the subject after the action of marrying and approving, as the description of the action itself. If it is still true, then the present should be used, otherwise, use the past.