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I Zero - Audio Note (UK)
Offering a level of performance that was previously considered unthinkable for an amplifier of such diminutive size and price, the IZERO really is something very special, producing a bold, rich, smooth and delicate performance, whilst offering a level …
品牌最平價的綜擴-Audio Note I Zero - U-Audio 新聞
如果您看到英國 Audio Note,就覺得是價格高昂的真空管機,那麼 I Zero 的價格可能會讓改變您的想法,國外售價不到三千美金,台灣參考售價應該不會比國外貴到哪裡。
【新品速递】品牌最平价的合并扩大机:Audio Note I Zero
2020年5月31日 · 如果您看到英国 Audio Note,就觉得是价格高昂的真空管机,那么 I Zero 的价格可能会让改变您的想法,国外售价不到三千美金,所以国内参考售价应该不会比国外贵到哪里。
Audio Note UK IZero Integrated Amplifier Tube Amplifier Review …
Here I sit with the 8 watt per channel IZero integrated amplifier, which is Audio Note UK’s entry level integrated amplifier. The IZero uses four not often used ECL82 triode/pentode tubes and it operates in class A for the first four Watts then switches to Class AB1.
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音乐贵族 Audio Note I ZERO 合并胆机功放 原包银牌极新
此款机,是audio note单端单机中最具性价比的一台机子。 价格不贵,却能享受到audionote独有的音乐魅力。 英国制造,220v电压,成色新,有原包装盒,一切正常。 使用Ecl82电子管(4根EI原装管),功率8W。 声音一贯audionote的风格,细腻甜美,温暖耐听,高音华丽但不刺耳,音乐性极佳,听人声,爵士,小作品弦乐非常毒。 此款机,是audio note单端单机中最具性价比的一台机子。 价格不贵,却能享受到audionote独有的音乐魅力。
Audio Note IZero entry level integrated amp
2020年1月13日 · The I-Zero is a really good amp - it is not the most neutral but it is the sort of sound I think most people want when they think of when buying a tube amplifier. The Cobra is going to be nearly double the price so I would expect it to be better - but the I-Zero and OTO are really great music first amplifiers provided your speakers are happy ...
Audio Note Integrated Amplifiers
I Zero Integrated Amplifier For the Zero range, we decided to design an integrated amplifier rather than a pre / power combination. The result is the IZero, and it has exceeded all of our expectations.
Audio Note (UK) I Zero Integrated Amplifier
Whether you’re setting up a high-fidelity audio station atop your office desk, creating a snug listening nook in your apartment, or configuring a secondary sound system in a grand multi-room audio extravaganza, the I Zero seamlessly fits in.
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