I-360, Petition for Amerasian, Widow(er), or Special Immigrant
2024年6月3日 · To help you file Form I-360 before your 21st birthday, we will allow you to file the Form I-360 in person at a USCIS field office within 2 weeks before you turn 21. You (or your attorney or accredited representative) may contact the USCIS Contact Center at 800-375-5283 to request an SIJ expedite appointment with a USCIS field office to file the ...
Information About Person or Organization Filing This Petition. NOTE: You must complete Part 1. as the petitioner if you are filing this petition on behalf of another person. If you are a Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) self-petitioner or special …
Form I-360 OMB No. 1615-0020 Epires 02/28/2026 Form I-360 Instructions 04/01/24 Page 1 of 15 What Is the Purpose of Form I-360? This petition is used to classify an alien as: 1. An Amerasian; 2. A Widow or Widower of a U.S. citizen; 3. Special immigrants are defined below. These special immigrants may also use this form for EB-4 Fourth Preference:
What Is Immigration Form I-360: Petition for Amerasian, …
2022年11月1日 · Form I-360 is the Petition for Amerasian, Widow (er), or Special Immigrant. This form applies to several groups of immigrants who have faced extraordinary circumstances. If you are a special immigrant, widow (er) of a U.S. citizen, abuse victim, or an Amerasian seeking a green card, it’s important to understand whether Form I-360 is right for you.
USCIS I-360 解释:你需要知道的 - MotaWord
I-360 表格 用于各种与移民相关的目的,包括美洲人、美国公民的寡妇或鳏夫以及几类特殊移民的申请。 其中包括特殊移民青少年(SIJ)、某些宗教工作者、广播员、巴拿马运河雇员、美国武装部队成员以及在美国政府工作的伊拉克或阿富汗国民。 此外,它还被符合《暴力侵害妇女行为法》(VAWA)资格的个人使用,包括受虐待的美国公民或合法永久居民的配偶、子女或父母。 总体而言,对于那些根据这些具体情况在美国寻求合法永久居留权的人来说,I-360 表格是必不可少 …
美国I-360表格解析 - Law Office of Ahn & Sinowitz
2023年9月12日 · i-360表格是美国移民局用于申请特殊移民类别的表格之一。 对于丧偶者来说,申请I-360表格是为了获得特殊移民类别的身份认可。 I-360表格针对丧偶者的特殊移民类别是根据《移民和国籍法》第201(b)节制定的。
I-360表格:美国绿卡特殊途径 – 移民湾
I-360表格,全称是“Petition for Amerasian, Widow(er), or Special Immigrant”,即“美国亚裔、寡夫/寡妇或特殊移民申请”。 这个表格是为那些符合特定条件的外国人申请美国绿卡提供的一条特殊途径。
How to File I-360 "Special Immigrant" or VAWA Green Card Petition …
2024年7月20日 · The I-360 petition is one that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) provides for foreign nationals wishing to begin the green card (lawful permanent residence) application process either: as an Amerasian child of a U.S. military member. We'll discuss the first three possibilities here.
Instructions for Form I-360, Petition for Amerasian, Widow(er), or Special Immigrant. What Is the Purpose of This Form? B. Panama Canal Company Employee, Canal Zone Government Employee, U.S. Government in the Canal Zone Employee; 3. A Battered or Abused Spouse or Child of a U.S. Citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident; or
Direct Filing Addresses for Form I-360, Immigrant Petition for ...
2024年9月24日 · You are filing Form I-360 with Form I-485: Go to our USCIS Lockbox Filing Locations Chart for Certain Family-Based Forms page for the filing address based on where you live. You are filing Form I-360 without Form I-485: Go to our USCIS Lockbox Filing Locations Chart for Certain Non-Family-Based Forms page for the filing address based on where ...
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