Testing and integration of disaggregated networks | i14y Lab
Considering the increasing demand for open, flexible, cost-efficient networks, the i14y Lab facilitates the work towards standard compliant network disaggregation – the decoupling of platform software and network functions from the underlying hardware using open interfaces.
Telco Innovation Test Lab | i14y Lab
i14y Lab: Testing ground for disaggregated networks, fostering telco innovation. Learn more.
i14y Lab Summit 2025
Come to Berlin Sept 9 th – 11 th 2025 for three full days of Open RAN discussions, talks, panels, and networking in one place at Fraunhofer HHI's Lanolinfabrik venue. Our Summit was packed with unmissable talks, demos, guided tours - and we brought back breakout sessions! Thank you to all partners involved it was a very memorable event.
OCP Experience Center - i14y Lab (Berlin, Germany)
The i14y Lab is the open lab for interoperability testing of disaggregated telco systems, such as Open RAN and OCP recognized hardware, led by Deutsche Telekom, operated by a consortium of strong partners with funding support from the German Ministry of Digital and Transport (BMDV).
i14y Lab - LinkedIn
At the i14y Lab, we are proud to serve as a trusted, vendor-neutral partner for Open RAN certification and badging. By fostering interoperability, standardization, and quality assurance, we...
Testing and integration of disaggregated networks | i14y Lab
i14y Lab accelerates time to market for multi-vendor disaggregated telco systems by providing a development environment for open access networks. Explore now
Driving Open RAN Forward with Global Collaborators | i14y Lab
We are excited to join in on the conversation at #MobileWorldCongress2024 as industry experts Maggie Chao (ITRI), Julie Kub (NTIA/ ITS), Katja Henke (i14y Lab) and Paul Sludden, (SONIC Labs) take...
#SUMMIT22 „Mix & Test“ Event - i14y Lab
Learn about the i14y Lab and enter the world of disaggregated networks at our #SUMMIT 22 "Mix & Test" on 9 June 2022. Take part online or in person!
Creating Next-Gen Open Networks - Capgemini
Open lab for testing, validation and integration of disaggregated networks Funded by the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) the i14y Lab is an open lab led and hosted by Deutsche Telekom – operated by a consortium of partners, that will match the funding provided by the BMDV with their own investments over the next 3 years.
Raumlichtlabor - Konzeption | Gestaltung | Realisierung
Das i14y Lab ist ein offenes Test- und Integrationslabor in Berlin-Schöneberg auf dem Gelände der Telekom. Hier testet und integriert ein Konsortium (Vodafone, Telefónica und Deutsche Telekom) mit Partner aus der gesamten Branche gemeinsam Komponenten für disaggregierte Netz-Ökosysteme, um schneller Innovationen und Lösungen für diese ...