Haplogroup I-M253 - Wikipedia
Before a reclassification in 2008, [22] the group was known as I1a, a name that has since been reassigned to a primary branch, haplogroup I-DF29. The other primary branches of I1 (M253) are I1b (S249/Z131) and I1c (Y18119/Z17925).
Haplogroup I1 (Y-DNA) - Eupedia
Haplogroup I1 is the most common type of haplogroup I in northern Europe. It is found mostly in Scandinavia and Finland, where it typically represent over 35% of the Y chromosomes. Associated with the Norse ethnicity, I1 is found in all places invaded by ancient Germanic tribes and the Vikings.
Haplogroup I1a (Y-DNA) - wikidoc
In human genetics, Haplogroup I1a (M253, M307, P30, P40) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup occurring at greatest frequency in Scandinavia. It displays a very clear frequency gradient, with a peak frequency of approximately 35% among the populations of southern Norway , southwestern Sweden , and Denmark , and rapidly decreasing frequencies toward the ...
FamilyTreeDNA Discover - mtDNA Haplogroup I1a
Find out which of the I1a branches and 7 countries that you belong to with the most comprehensive mtDNA test! Every new mtFull Sequence test result helps improve the tree structure and age estimates. A popular genealogy strategy is to expand your part of the tree by encouraging distant relatives to test.
Y chromosome sequencing data suggest dual paths of …
Oct 28, 2024 · In Finland, two Y-chromosomal haplogroups reveal the major substructure of the population: N1a1 enriched in the northeast and I1a in the southwest, suggested to reflect eastern and western ...
The Genetic Atlas
I1a (S438) This lineage was able to repopulate Northern Europe in the early Mesolithic. I1a1 (M227) Expanded on the East Bank of the Vistula river and south to the Balkans. I1a1a (M72) Representing a small minority in Eastern Europe; I1a2 (L22) Represents Mesolithic Europid prominence in Scandinavia . I1a2a (P109) Marker of a Europid expansion ...
Haplogroup I1 (Y-DNA) - SNPedia
On 27 April 2012 SNP Z131/S249 was added on I1 tree upstream of the existing subclades, which are now subclades of I1a1. The haplogroups which can be directly recognized by 23andMe microarray haven't changed, but I1-subclades gained new names, and were re …
什么叫断路器的选择性保护和级联? - 知乎
注意到I1B是下级B断路器的运行电流,I1A是上级A断路器的运行电流。 运行电流右侧的曲线段就是过载长延时L参数的反时限曲线。 当过载电流在I1A和I1B之间时,由下级B断路器负责开断;当过载电流大于I1A时,我们看到B断路器的动作时间比A断路器更短,所以下级B断路器先动作,上级A断路器后动作。 这就是过载保护的选择性。 我们再看图1的右图,我们看到当发生短路时,不管是B断路器还是A断路器,它们的动作时间时间相同,所以图1中A断路器和B断路器在过载 …
北欧人和南欧人的y染色体中,都有典型的I单倍体的存在。为什 …
I1族群所代表的欧洲日耳曼族群,确实在欧洲有梯次分布区(这个梯次分布区的成型缘由有争议),但是未必和信史时代西罗马崩溃,日耳曼进入南欧地区有关,因为SNP突变不是点突变,周期很长,往前推必然在信史之前了。 故而, 其实这个问题本身就不成立。 所以,北南欧之别,很有可能在早期(旧石器时代晚期)就有了。 至于南欧地区的父系基因变化和日耳曼族南迁是否有关系呢? 日耳曼南迁就是西罗马帝国崩溃时代,日耳曼对于南欧的迁入。 这个是否真的影响到了I …
Haplogroup I (Y-DNA) - chemeurope.com
Haplogroup I1a (M253, M307, P30, P40) displays a very clear frequency gradient, with a peak frequency of approximately 35% among the populations of southern Norway, southwestern Sweden, and Denmark, and rapidly decreasing frequencies toward the edges of the historically Germanic-influenced world.