The all-new i20 N Specifications - Hyundai N
i20 N is a direct successor of i20 WRC’s winning DNA, guaranteed to provide motorsport-derived racetrack capabilities in daily driving. With its lightweight body of 1,190 kg and reinforced rigidity, this pocket rocket achieves powerful and agile movements.
i20 N | Highlights | Hyundai Motor Europe - 현대자동차
The i20 N has been meticulously engineered to get your heart pumping faster. Step on the accelerator and you’ll feel – and hear – its motorsports roots instantly. Powered by a 204 PS 1.6-litre turbocharged GDi engine that delivers and 275 Nm maximum torque – you’ll love the instant feedback you get from its high responsiveness and ...
i20 N Performance | Cars - Hyundai Worldwide - 현대자동차
The all-new i20 N is a direct successor of i20 WRC’s winning DNA, guaranteed to provide motorsport-derived racetrack capabilities in daily driving. With its lightweight body of 1,190 kg and reinforced rigidity, this pocket rocket achieves powerful and agile movements.
全新现代i20 N评测:精致、小巧且硬核 - 懂车帝
2021年4月15日 · 现代i20 N搭载一台1.6升四缸涡轮增压发动机,输出功率为150千瓦,扭矩为275牛米,这些数据给了它直逼福特嘉年华ST的底气。 福特嘉年华在这个级别已经叱咤了很多年了,但随着现代i20 N的到来,现在才真正有了一款可以替代福特嘉年华ST的车型,这主要得益于 ...
Hyundai i20N Review 2025 - Top Gear
2021年3月26日 · Hyundai claims the i20N is inspired by the i20 WRC rally car. Of course it does – they need to justify the sporting crossover somehow, even if it’s just pointing to the road car’s matching...
207马力的韩系小钢炮!现代i20 N值不值得期待 - 知乎
日前,现代官方发布全新i20 N官图,作为现代i20系列的高性能版车型,其采用十分运动的设计风格,动力搭载最大功率207马力的1.6T发动机,新车或将在2021年年初公开亮相。
猩式车评:现代i20N - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
i20 N是那种你能以任意速度带它入弯的,风驰电掣、疯疯癫癫地从起点瞬移到目的地的驾驶者之车。 虽说它的离合踩起来有点奇怪,换起挡来也不太平顺,但i20 N跟它的大哥i30 N一样做工优秀、坚实耐用、安全性强,还提供了后座可折叠的功能。
Hyundai i20 N
Featuring a 1.6-litre T-GDI turbo flat-power engine with 204 PS and 275 Nm of torque, the i20 N is on par with the rally vehicle that was its inspiration, delivering a class-leading power-to-weight ratio of 171 PS per ton for more agile handling. Major wins for Hyundai i20 N and SANTA FE at 2023 What Car? Awards.
不好惹的家伙 现代i20 N海外正式发布 - 汽车之家
2020年12月14日 · [汽车之家 新车首发 ] 近日,现代打造的小型性能车—— 现代i20 ( 参数 | 询价) N正式在海外亮相,新车将在欧洲与嘉年华ST和Polo GTI进行新一轮的较量。 作为一款性能车,现代i20 N的设计透露出绝对的与众不同,全新的黑色进气格栅搭衬托出N字LOGO的鲜明,搭配更加夸张的前包围设计和红色前唇,看起来性能感十足。 侧面来看,作为一款小型车,i20 N的侧面线条显得非常紧绷,同时双腰线设计带来的强烈运动感与红色侧裙相互加持,配合18英寸熏黑轮 …
2025 Hyundai i20 N review (video) | Driving Enthusiast
5 天之前 · The i20 N benefits from Hyundai’s capped-price service program, with intervals set at 10,000km or 12 months (whichever comes first). Prices are as follows: A five-year, unlimited km warranty as well as up to 10 years of roadside assistance gives the i20 N the same guilt-free ownership experience as more pedestrian Hyundais, despite its ...
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