深圳市壹贰叁电子(深圳)有限公司成立于2020年(公司旗下品牌“i2C”),地址位于深圳市龙岗区坂田街道新村大道9号云力智谷A栋2楼217-218室。 专注于手机通讯工具和耗材的产品研发、生产及销售。
Card Issuing and Reliable banking and payment processing | i2c Inc.
Our global, next-gen platform empowers financial institutions and fintechs of all sizes with no-code building block technology. Quickly get to market and optimize profitability with i2c’s best-in-class credit, debit, prepaid and core banking solutions. Get Started
We specialize in the research, development, production, and sales of mobile communication tools and consumables. As an innovative provider of after-sales repair solutions for mobile phones in China, we possess extensive industry experience and …
下载中心 – i2C电子官网
10 合 1 多功能电源,既是风枪,也是烙铁。 更是行业内首款具备 3 种显示模式的电源。 内置AI人机交互系统自动识别语音对话。 一键分层贴合安全不爆锡,智能温控不伤主板。 支持全球化软件远程更新!
A Basic Guide to I2C - Texas Instruments
I2C is a common communication protocol that is used in a variety of devices from many different product families produced by TI. This application note begins with a basic overview of the I2C protocol, describing the history of the protocol, different I2C speed modes, the physical layer of the digital communication, and the structure of the data.
Estas placas son ideales para desarrollar soluciones de internet de las cosas de forma sencilla y abajo costo, de acuerdo a la necesidad de tu proyecto podrás elegir la versión que mas se ajuste a tus necesidades y así conectar todo tipo de sensores y actuadores a Internet. NEXTION NX1060P101-011R-I Pantalla HMI...
I²C - Wikipedia
I 2 C (Inter-Integrated Circuit; pronounced as “eye-squared-see” or “eye-two-see”), alternatively known as I2C or IIC, is a synchronous, multi-master/multi-slave, single-ended, serial communication bus invented in 1982 by Philips Semiconductors.
Meet the Team – i2c Inc.
Under his leadership, i2c’s proprietary building block technology has revolutionized how financial products are created and scaled, offering unparalleled flexibility and security to banks, credit unions and fintechs.
一文看懂I2C协议 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
它是由 Philips (飞利浦)公司,现 NXP (恩智浦)半导体开发的一种 简单的双向两线制 总线协议标准。 对于硬件设计人员来说,只需要2个管脚,极少的连接线和面积,就可以实现芯片间的通讯,对于软件开发者来说,可以使用同一个I2C驱动库,来实现实现不同器件的驱动,大大减少了软件的开发时间。 极低的工作电流,降低了系统的功耗,完善的 应答机制 大大增强通讯的可靠性。 I2C协议可以工作在以下5种速率模式下,不同的器件可能支持不同的速率。 【bps:bit/s, …
Careers - Be A Part of i2c - Current Openings - i2c Inc.
i2c is a global provider of highly configurable banking and payment solutions. Using proprietary building block technology, clients can easily, quickly and cost-effectively create, launch and manage a comprehensive set of solutions for banking, credit, debit, and prepaid programs. i2c delivers unparalleled flexibility, agility, security, and ...