Wrong I2C addresses - NXP Community
2016年11月14日 · If yes, you can't send 0x40 data in the address, because if you use the 0x40 data in the code, you will find the data in I2C wave is:0x81+ACK or NACK, read. if write, should be 0x80+ack or nack. Just like the above logic anayzer wave I give you, the code send address 0x2d, and the data in the I2C wave is 0x5B.
Solved: Re: LPI2C BBF Flag Problem - NXP Community
2019年8月30日 · Hi Sagar Prajapati , MSR[BBF]=1 means I2C bus is busy. Do you check the I2C bus wave? You can use the logic analyzer to test the I2C wave, whether the I2C_CLK and I2C_DATA wave is correct or not? We don't have the specific MIMXRT1064 I2C code for GT911 , you need to check your GT911 datasheet...
Re: RT1062 I2C Pin Low Flag Issue - NXP Community
2022年3月1日 · Yes, the I2C bus has appropriate pull-up resistors. In normal operation, the shape of the waveform on both SDA and SCL are fine. In a noisy environment (simulated by toggling AC Relay near I2C line), there are numerous noise spikes on both lines which cause multiple issues on both end devices and master devices.
s32k144 flexio_i2c read error - NXP Community
2019年6月21日 · Dear , i use flexio_i2c_s32k144 demo code to test. but find the read value is not matched with I2C wave. What may be the reason?
LPCXpresso LPC1347 I2C - NXP Community
2018年3月2日 · After check the I2C wave, you will know the detail problem, you need to locate the problem at first. Please check the I2C wave, then also reply it to me. When the master send the I2C data to the slave, whether the I2C bus data is really the slave needed or not? Is the I2C slave the the ACK? Anyway, check the I2C wave, compare the I2C data ...
LPC11C24 I2C troubles - NXP Community
2019年1月9日 · There has a i2c project which communicate with the external PCF8594, you can refer to that working flow. Besides, you need to check your own i2c slave, and check what the i2c command and address it need, then modify the project, and check the I2C bus wave, make sure the I2C data meet your slave's demand.
I²Cバスの概要 - NXP Community
[初出:インターフェース 2024年3月号(cq出版)「 i2c&spiをゼロから作る②…i2cの通信規格 」p55-61.ブログ掲載にあたり通信仕様解説部分を抜粋,加筆修正] 変更履歴: 2025-02-03:初版 2025-02-04:「4. 参考資料」の項にブログ記事「i²cハードウェア・デバッグ」を追
Re: I2C library config for LPC1769 - NXP Community
2019年2月14日 · The I2c wave which I give you is using the Logic analyzer to test it, you also can use the oscilloscope to check the I2C bus wave, but you need to identify the I2C data by yourself. About your i2c.h lib problem, it seems you didn't add the CMSISV2_LP17XX in your code bundle package, I have tried it on my side, it builds without any errors.
[CMSIS] [LPC1768] I2C bus locked up - NXP Community
2018年12月19日 · Hi Exequiel Beker, Because I don't have PCA9535 device on my side, then please post some your I2C wave when the problem happens, it will be useful to my analysis. Especially the I2C wave which contains the device tries to ACK, but MCU does't send SCL line down wave. Waiting for your reply! ...
I2C Bus - Loss of arbitration fault comes for single master bus.
2018年9月8日 · 1. START I2C. 2. Send device slave address with write bit. 3. Send address of memory location which we wish to read. 4. STOP I2C. 5. START I2C. 6. Send device slave address with read bit. 7. The device will then send an ACK followed by the data byte. 8. Master sends NACK to end data transfer. 9. STOP I2C