The PCA9515 is a BiCMOS integrated circuit intended for application in I2C-bus and SMBus systems. While retaining all the operating modes and features of the I2C-bus system, it permits extension of the I2C-bus by buffering both the data (SDAn) and the clock (SCLn) lines, thus enabling two buses of 400 pF.
A good understanding of why, when, and how I2C buffers are used is essential in creating an I2C system that works reliably and meets the I2C standards. There are a variety of design challenges when using buffers and great care needs to be taken …
I2C中继器推荐 - 接口论坛 - 接口 - E2E™ 设计支持
TCA9803 是repeater,所以衡量I2C repeater的 标准不是能传输多长距离,而是要看总线电容是否超过协议规定,下面是I2C三种工作模式下能够允许的总线电容大小:
I²C-Bus Repeaters/Hubs/Extenders | 1 MHz up to 540 pF
I²C-bus repeaters, hubs and extenders are used to isolate capacitance from the backplane in a wide array of device applications. Our I²C fast-mode plus (Fm+) devices go from zero to 1 MHz so you can go to the next design level with higher data rates and up to 540 pF bus loading.
I²C总线转发器 | NXP 半导体
PCA9515A是一款CMOS集成电路,主要用于I²C总线和SMBus系统应用。 在保留I²C总线系统所有工作模式和功能的同时,它允许通过缓冲数据 (SDA)和时钟 (SCL)线路以允许扩展I²C总线,从而可使用两条400 pF的总线。 400 pF的I²C总线电容极限会限制器件数和总线长度。 使用PCA9515A能使系统设计师将总线隔离成两半,因此能有更多的器件或更长的长度。 它还可用于运行两条总线,一条为5 V而另一条为3.3 V或400 kHz和100 kHz总线,当另一条总线需要400 kHz操作时会 …
电平变换I2C总线转发器 | NXP 半导体
PCA9517是一款CMOS集成电路,提供低电压(低至0.9 V)和更高电压(2.7 V至5.5 V)I²C总线或SMBus应用之间的电平切换。 在电平切换过程中保留I²C总线系统所有工作模式和功能的同 …
Adafruit LTC4311 I2C Extender / Active Terminator
You could try slowing down your I2C clock to 1 KHz...or you could use an Adafruit LTC4311 active terminator like this one! Using this board is easy: connect it to your I2C bus at the beginning of the chain (if you don't have a massively long cable, you can also try at the end of the chain).
I²C总线中继器/集线器/扩展器 - NXP
I²C总线中继器、集线器和扩展器用于隔离各种器件应用中的背板电容. 恩智浦的I²C快速模式Plus (Fm+)器件,工作频率从0到1MHz,您的总线加载速度可高达540pF,从而以更高的数据传输速率实现更高的设计水平。 在计算、电信和联网系统架构中, I²C总线越来越广泛地用作维护和控制总线,因此需要配备更宽的带宽和更多的总线器件。 选择合适的产品变得更加轻松。 查看所有产品查找工具。 恩智浦提供评估板和参考设计,它们结合了创新的模拟技术,为安全边缘解决方 …
Designers can extend the use of the I2C or SMBus in systems with more devices and / or longer bus lengths with only one repeater delay between any device. The devices are multiple master capable and support arbitration and bus contention on any segment.
The TCA9517A is a bidirectional buffer with level shifting capabilities for I2C and SMBus systems. It provides bidirectional voltage-level translation (up-translation/down-translation) between low voltages (down to 0.9V) and higher voltages (2.7V to 5.5V) in mixed-mode applications.