创新纯电动BMW i5最新报价及图片 | BMW中国官网
创新纯电动BMW i5搭载BMW 数字钥匙,可将智能手机变为随身车钥匙,轻松与亲友便捷共享。 得益于超宽带技术(UWB),BMW 数字钥匙PLUS可在您靠近车辆时,自动解锁车门并开启欢迎模式。
BMW i5 All-Electric Luxury Sedan | All Models & Pricing
All-electric performance that captivates from start to finish. Energetic engineering, customizable drive modes, and impressive torque define this sleek midsize sedan. The perfect balance. Engineered for responsiveness and nimble steering, the low-mounted battery of the i5 results in a low center of gravity and optimal body rigidity. All about you.
创新纯电动BMW i5 M60性能及预约试驾体验 | BMW中国官网
创新纯电动BMW i5 M60提供动感⼗⾜的驾驶体验,以先锋电动理念,诠释纯粹M运动性能。 更加灵活的转向系统,使您的BMW能够更精准地完成转向操作,实现高速时转向更稳定,低速时转向更灵活,真正做到动静有数,游刃有余。 采用刻印M标识的红色卡钳,展露运动风范,配备更大尺寸的内部通风式制动盘,即使在高负荷状态下也能提供强大抓地力,有效制动。 M专属独特风格,兼具动感外形与灵感科技,动静之间光耀动人,卓然驾趣奔逸绝尘。 M运动型多功能真皮方向 …
2025 BMW i5 eDrive40 and i5 xDrive40 Sedans - BMW USA
Experience the 2025 BMW i5 eDrive40 and the BMW i5 xDrive40 – icons of electric driving with impressive luxury, innovation, and performance. Athletic allure. Showcase your sporty side with the available M Sport Package, including the M Sport Suspension, M Sport Steering Wheel, Shadowline exterior trim, exclusive M Sport Wheels, and more.
i-Series - BMW
Discover all highlights of the BMW i Series models: models, equipment, technical data, prices and services. Discover, compare and configure now
深度试驾宝马i5,黑科技真不少!值得入手吗? - 懂车帝
2024年6月11日 · 全新i5搭载的第五代BMW eDrive电驱技术,采用了宝马自研的励磁同步电机,具有高集成、模块化、峰值功率不衰减的优势,最大功率210kW,最大扭矩410Nm。
BMW i5 M60 Auto Deportivo 100% Eléctrico | BMW México
El BMW i5 M60 xDrive es la versión más potente y atlética del BMW i5. Se ha diseñado para ofrecer un rendimiento especialmente dinámico. Acelera hasta 100 km/h en solo 3.8 …
BMW i Series Overview: Discover our electric cars
The BMW i4 eDrive35 Gran Coupé delivers 250 kW (430 hp) and the immediately available maximum torque promises a sporty electric driving experience. Its innovative drive concept …
BMW i5 (G60 BEV) | BMW PH
BMW i5 (G60 BEV) currently available from BMW in Asia. Learn about its features and specifications on our easy-to-use website and book a test drive.