Intel DX2 - Wikipedia
The Intel486 DX2, [1] rumored as 80486DX2 (later rebadged i486DX2), is a CPU produced by Intel that was first introduced in 1992. The i486DX2 was nearly identical to the i486DX, but it …
Intel 80486 Processor | 在线CPU博物馆 | 微处理器博物馆 | Honux's …
80486(简称 486 或是 i486)是英特尔第一个内部包含浮点运算器(FPU)的中央处理器(DX 版CPU),并在 x86 系列中首次使用了 RISC (精简指令集)技术,从而提升了每周期执行指令的 …
i486 - Wikipedia
The Intel 486, officially named i486 and also known as 80486, is a microprocessor introduced in 1989. It is a higher-performance follow-up to the Intel 386. It represents the fourth generation …
Intel 80486 - 百度百科
Intel 80486DX - 具有FPU的i486。 Intel 80486DX2 - 以2倍 倍频 来运行的 处理器。 Intel 80486SX2 - 与i486DX2相同,但是没有FPU功能。 Intel 80486SL - 低耗电的i486DX,主要用 …
Intel A80486DX2-66 - CPU世界
2025年3月10日 · Intel 80486DX2-66 with original blue anodized heatsink. You're welcome to post suggestions, corrections, your own personal Intel 66 MHz review, or your experience with the …
Intel 80486 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Intel 80486(又稱486, i486)是Intel公司的一款CISC架構的x86 CPU。 i486的前身是 Intel 80386 處理器。 i486 DX2 結構圖
Intel i486 DX2 66 (SL Enhanced) (A80486DX2-66)
Chip: Intel i486 DX2 66 (SL Enhanced) (A80486DX2-66) The Retro Web Support Us Articles. Motherboards BIOS images Chips Chipsets ... Intel i486 data book 240440-001. Logs. Family. …
CPU of the Day: New Logo – Old Processor: Intel 486 DX2 66
2013年1月26日 · Intel announced it would be discontinued by the end of 2007 so this is truly one of the last (Intel) 486s ever made. It is a SX911 &E5V2X version which is an SL Enhance (&E) …
1989年:英特尔80486微处理器 - 中关村在线CPU处理器频道
80486处理器集成了125万个晶体管,时钟频率由25MHz逐步提升到33MHz、40MHz、50MHz及后来的100Mhz。 80486 DX2. 80486处理器的内外部数据总线是32位,地址总线为32位,可寻 …
The i486 SX2 is an i486 SX with doubled internal frequency. Designed to run at triple clock rate (not quadruple as often believed; the DX3, which was meant to run at 2.5x the clock speed, …