i386 和 x86-64 有什么区别? - 知乎
“i386“和”i486″作为Intel 80386和80486处理器的别名是比较显然的。 由于不能使用数字作为注册商标,而且也需要一个正式的名称命名,从586开始就变为Pentium了, 这时候i586就作为了最原始Pentium的微处理架构“P5”的别名,同样的i686对P6 (Pentium Pro使用),i786对应P68,或NetBurst架构。 在我看来,在软件包的命名上使用“i某86”时应该是说适用于使用这一代微架构的CPU。 但微架构是硬件上事,因此还是在说明适用对应CPU使用的 指令集。 比如,i386对 …
FLT3 D835/I836 mutations are associated with poor disease-free ... - PubMed
2008年2月1日 · The prognostic relevance of FLT3 D835/I836 mutations (FLT3-TKD) in cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukemia (CN-AML) remains to be established. After excluding patients with FLT3 internal tandem duplications, we compared treatment outcome of 16 de novo CN-AML patients with FLT3-TKD with that of …
[转] x86、i386、amd64、ia64的区别 - CSDN博客
2012年12月28日 · 首先可以简化一个概念,i386=Intel 80386。 其实i386通常被用来作为对Intel(英特尔)32位微处理器的统称。 AMD64,又称“x86-64”或“x64”,是一种64位元的电脑处理器架构。 它是基于现有32位元的x86架构,由AMD公司所开发,应用AMD64指令集的自家产品有Athlon(速龙) 64、Athlon 64 FX、Athlon 64 X2、Turion(炫龙) 64、Opteron(皓龙)、Sempron(闪龙)、Phenom(羿龙)及后来的Phenom II、Athlon II等处理器。 值得注意的 …
Motorola i836 (Nextel) review: Motorola i836 (Nextel) - CNET
2005年7月12日 · Dubbed "an instant classic" by Nextel itself, the i836 offers essentially the same feature set as Nextel's i730 but in a smaller, sleeker form factor. Unfortunately, the less-than-stellar battery...
LeukoStrat® CDx FLT3 Mutation Assay - Invivoscribe
The LeukoStrat CDx FLT3 Mutation Assay is a PCR-based in vitro diagnostic test designed to detect internal tandem duplication (ITD) and tyrosine kinase domain (TKD) mutations D835 and I836 in the FLT3 gene in genomic DNA extracted from mononuclear cells obtained from peripheral blood or bone marrow aspirates of patients diagnosed with acute ...
Gilteritinib is a clinically active FLT3 inhibitor with broad activity ...
2020年2月11日 · Gilteritinib is the first FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) approved as monotherapy in acute myeloid leukemia with FLT3 internal tandem duplication and D835/I836 tyrosine kinase domain (TKD) mutations. Sequencing studies in patients have uncovered less common, noncano …
i386手册指令集阅读指南 · GitBook - GitHub Pages
i386手册有一章专门列出了所有指令的细节, 附录中的opcode map也很有用. 在这里, 我们先对x86指令系统作一些简单的梳理. 当你对x86指令系统有任何疑惑时, 请查阅i386手册, 关于指令系统的一切细节都在里面. 由于PDF版本的i386手册的印刷错误较多, 一定程度上影响理解, 我们在github上开放了一个 repo, 用于提供修复印刷错误的版本. 同时我们也为修复错误后的版本提供在线的 HTML版本. 如果你在做实验的过程中也发现了新的错误, 欢迎帮助我们修复这些错误. x86 …
FLT3 I836del - My Cancer Genome
FLT3 I836del is a predictive biomarker for use of gilteritinib and midostaurin in patients. Of the therapies with FLT3 I836del as a predictive biomarker, 2 are FDA-approved and 2 have NCCN guidelines in at least one clinical setting.
FLT3 TKD D835/I836 Mutations - University of Washington
This assay detects mutations in the FLT3 gene at codons D835/I836 of the tyrosine kinase domain (FLT3 TKD). Evaluation for FLT3 point mutations in the TKD is indicated at diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia and may provide prognostic information and direct treatment.
Test Details - FLT3 Mutation Analysis - OHSU
The ITD and D835/I836 containing regions of the FLT3 gene are amplified. The size of the ITD PCR product is determined by capillary electrophoresis. ITD mutation is expressed as percent mutant allele burden. The D835/I836 PCR product is digested with EcoRV and the presence of the mutation is determined by capillary electrophoresis.