Small modular reactors (SMR) | IAEA
2024年10月18日 · Small and medium-sized or modular reactors are an option to fulfil the need for flexible power generation for a wider range of users and applications. Small modular reactors, deployable either as single or multi-module plant, offer the possibility to combine nuclear with alternative energy sources, including renewables.
What are Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)? | IAEA
2023年9月13日 · Small modular reactors (SMRs) are advanced nuclear reactors that have a power capacity of up to 300 MW (e) per unit, which is about one-third of the generating capacity of traditional nuclear power reactors. SMRs, which can produce a …
Small Modular Reactors: Advances in SMR Developments 2024
This publication aims to provide Member States with a concise overview of the latest developments regarding SMR technology worldwide. It explores SMRs under development, their potential growth trajectory, and the lifecycle of SMR development from concept to decommissioning.
According to the classification adopted by the IAEA, small reactors are reactors with an equivalent electric power of less than 300 MW(e) and medium sized reactors are reactors with an equivalent electric power of between 300 MW(e) and 700 MW(e). Worldwide, 131 SMR units operate in 25 Member States, with a capacity of 63 GW(e).
There has been growing interest in marine-based Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) as a solution to accelerate the transition towards net zero emissions using nuclear power – for applications in the regions for which land-based nuclear power installations would not be viable.
Advanced nuclear power technologies such as small modular reactors (SMRs) and microreactors, a subset of SMRs, have the potential to play a key role in the coming nuclear power expansion. The high case scenario of the IAEA’s latest projections sees nuclear electrical generating capacity in 2050 being two and a half times greater than today.
Publications - Small Modular Reactors: Advances in SMR …
This publication aims to provide Member States with a concise overview of the latest developments regarding SMR technology worldwide. It explores SMRs under development, their potential growth trajectory, and the lifecycle of SMR development from concept to decommissioning.
International Atomic Energy Agency
The IAEA publication on Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) discusses their applications, benefits, and global interest in flexible and affordable power generation.
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Offers expertise from the entire Agency, encompassing all aspects relevant to the development, early deployment, and oversight of SMRs and their applications. Serves as the mechanism by which the IAEA responds to requests from Member States related to SMRs.
The 2022 IAEA SMR ARIS Booklet is a biennial publication as a supplement to the IAEA Advanced Reactor Information System (ARIS) Database. It provides a brief yet comprehensive design description of 83 different reactor designs. The 2022 version is …