Mammoth Science - Multiple Alleles / Blood Type Simulator
How to Use the Multiple Alleles / Blood Type Punnett Square Simulator 1. Enter Parent Genotypes Look for the two boxes at the top of the page. In the first box labeled "Parent 1 Genotype," type one of the following codes: IAIA, IAi, IBIB, IBi, IAIB, or ii. In the second box labeled "Parent 2
Explain the inheritance of ABO blood groups: phenotypes are A, B, …
2024年11月15日 · When considering inheritance, each parent contributes one allele to the offspring. The possible combinations of alleles can be illustrated using a Punnett square. For example, if a parent with blood type A (IAi I A i) has offspring with a parent with blood type B (IBi I B i), the potential genotypes of their children would be: Punnett Square ...
A型血的基因为IA,IA,或IA,i。B型为IB,IB或IB,i。AB型 …
2012年3月13日 · (1)IAi; IBi分别是A型和B型血,说明I与i同时存在时显示的是I的基因所以i是隐性基因。 即IA对i是显性,IB对i也是显性。 (2)AB型血的基因型是IAIB,子女可能从父母的IA,IB的两个基因中各得到一个组合成自己的基因,组合的方式有三种IAIA或者IBIB或者IAIB血型 ...
Which cross could produce a child with type O (ii) blood?
ibib x iai: In this cross, one parent has type B blood (IBIB) and the other has type A blood (IAi). All offspring will have genotype iBi (type AB) since each parent contributes one dominant allele. So, none of the offspring will have type O blood. Based on these crosses, only the first one (iai x ii) could produce a child with type O (ii) blood.
BIOLOGY Flashcards - Quizlet
IAi. In humans, there are two dominant blood types: A and B. The recessive blood type is Type O, shown as ii. Complete a cross between two heterozygous A and B blood type? They ask us IAi x IBi. Instead of making a Punnett square, we can just mix each allele from one parent with each allele from the other parent: IAIB, IAi, IBi, ii.
人类ABO血型的决定方式IAIA、IAi―→A型血;IBIB、IBi―→B型 …
人类abo血型的决定方式iaia、iai―→a型血;ibib、ibi―→b型血;iaib―→ab型血(共显性);ii―→o型血。前后代遗传的推断及概率运算比正常情况要复杂。变式3 假设某植物种群非常大,可以随机交配,没有迁入和迁出,没有突变。抗病遗传因子r对感病遗传因子r为完全显性。
人类ABO血型由IA、IB、i三个复等位基因控制,IAIA和IAi为A型血、IBIB …
(三) .关于 ABO 血型的计算题对于复等位基因的计算,也可用遗传平衡定律来计算: IAIA= (IA)2、 IAi…
对于复等位基因的计算,也可用遗传平衡定律来计算: iaia= (ia)2、 iai=2>ia>i、 ibib=(ib)2、 IBi =2>IB>i、 ii =i2。 例、ABO血型系统由3个等位基因IA、IB、和i来决定,通过调查一个由400个个体组成的某群体,
人的血型,常可分为A型、B型、AB型和O型.IAIA和IAi表现为A型;IBIB …
人的血型,常可分为a型、b型、ab型和o型.iaia和iai表现为a型;ibib和ibi表现为b型;iaib表现为ab型;ii表现为o型.在遗传时,父母分别将他们所携带的一对基因中的一个遗传给子女,而且是等可能的.例如,下表为a型(iai)父亲和b型(ibi)母亲生下的子女血型 ...
Name: _____ Period:_____ Human Blood Types & Punnett Squares 1. Which possible baby blood phenotype(s) could parents with A and AB have: ( 3 Possible alleles: IA B, I , i ) (Possible Blood Phenotypes: A , B , AB , O) a. Write the possible genotype(s) of Type A:
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