Setup/Download IAXRpt - AllStarLink Wiki
2024年9月24日 · IAXRPT is a specialized Windows "soft phone" program which allows users to connect from their PC's to an AllStarLink node. Setting up IAXRPT access is similar to setting up dial-in access, but a different command line switch is used in extensions.conf, and user authorization is done in iax.conf.
2019年3月2日 · iaxrpt is a Windows based client that allows a full duplex voice connection to Allstar. It allows voice communications with your node and any node it is connected to as well as the ability to send commands. Setup is rather simple and in most cases it should only take a few minutes to complete.
IAx改v1.5 - BowlRoll
投稿日 2013-01-26 01:18:17 ファイル名 IAx改v1.5.zip ファイルサイズ 3.60 MB MD5チェックサム SHA1チェックサムまおの作品です。
IAXRPT - App_rpt-users - AllStarLink Discussion Groups
2018年7月13日 · Looking for some help setting up IAXPRT on our club's AWS ASL node. I edited the iax.conf and the extensions.conf. I made sure the IAX ports were open on the AWS instance. When I try connecting from the Windows client…
ALLSTAR NODE -USING IAXRPT - Windows software - YouTube
(Attached PDF) iax.conf Copy Below ; IAXRPT Example - THis stanza is used for Windows IAXRPT [iaxclient] - This goes in as Username in DVSwitch Mobile type = friend context = iax-client This is ...
iaxRpt for Windows is a push to talk radio dispatch client that allows a full duplex voice connection to Allstar. It allows voice communications with any host controller (node) it is connected to and …
Audio Clipping with IAXRPT / Web Transceiver Client
2013年3月3日 · On our asterisk system, we support three nodes: 27211 – VE3UOR UHF repeater. 29133 – VE3LSR coupled through a RLC-DSP404 controller (often connected to VE3UPS and VE3UHN), and. 29154 – VA3LSR remote link for VE3LSR into VE3MUS – not too active – ad-hoc RF link. I have also been testing out iaxrpt and the WebTransceiver clients.
RFC5456 中文翻译 中文RFC RFC文档 RFC翻译 RFC中文版
本文档介绍IAX,即Inter Asterisk eXchange协议,它是一种应用层控制和媒体协议,用于通过Internet协议(IP)网络创建、修改和终止多媒体会话。 IAX是由开放源码社区为Asterisk Private Branch Exchange(PBX)开发的,主要针对互联网协议语音(VoIP)呼叫控制,但它可以用于流式视频或任何其他类型的多媒体。 IAX is an "all in one" protocol for handling multimedia in IP networks. It combines both control and media services in the same protocol.
iaxRpt – Texas GMRS Network
Setup and activation of IAX remote access is not automated, so please be patient as it may take a few days to get you setup on the server. You can use the following procedures to: Talk …
Creating new users for iaxrpt on PC and DVSwitch
2024年3月12日 · So, it is possible to have a repeater system and allow each member so described to connect in and know who is connected or doing things on the system or just hanging around monitoring. Each member needs it’s own user id and password.