IBC - Ecosystem - Cosmos: The Internet of Blockchains
Securely exchange data, value and tokens across the interchain. The Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol (IBC) is an open-source protocol to handle authentication and transport of data between blockchains. IBC allows heterogeneous chains to trustlessly communicate with each other to exchange data, messages, and tokens.
GitHub - cosmos/ibc: Interchain Standards (ICS) for the Cosmos …
This repository is the canonical location for development and documentation of the inter-blockchain communication protocol (IBC). It shall be used to consolidate design rationale, protocol semantics, and encoding descriptions for IBC, including both the core transport, authentication, & ordering layer (IBC/TAO) and the application layers ...
IBC-Go Documentation | IBC-Go - ibc.cosmos.network
The Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol (IBC) is an end-to-end, connection-oriented, stateful protocol for reliable, ordered, and authenticated communication between heterogeneous blockchains arranged in an unknown and dynamic topology.
一文读懂 Cosmos 跨链通信协议 IBC - 知乎
Cosmos 被誉为「区块链互联网」,IBC 就是区块链互联网中的「TCP/IP」协议。 它提供了一种无需许可的方式在区块链之间中继数据包,实现区块链之间的相互通信。 图源:youtube.com/watch? IBC 自推出以来已经 18 个月,它已成为安全、可互操作、跨链通信的标准。 截至目前,IBC 已在超过 48 条活跃链中实现了超过 4300 万次跨链转账,拥有三百多万用户。 随着多链生态的发展,IBC 不仅支持 Cosmos 生态区块链的跨链通信,也正在与其他区块链生态互联互通,如 …
Cosmos中的IBC跨链有多好用? - 知乎专栏
IBC 跨链 是 Cosmos 多链生态中最重要也是最为独特的功能,在许多生态应用的前端界面中都集成了 IBC 跨链功能。 对于第一次体验的用户来说,推荐使用由 Cosmos 官方团队开发的前端应用 Emeris(app.emeris.com/)。
GitHub - cosmos/ibc-go: Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol (IBC ...
The Inter-Blockchain Communication protocol (IBC) allows blockchains to talk to each other. This end-to-end, connection-oriented, stateful protocol provides reliable, ordered, and authenticated communication between heterogeneous blockchains. For a high-level explanation of what IBC is and how it works, please read this blog post.
IBC Overview | Cosmos SDK
Learn what IBC is, its components, and use cases. # What is the Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol (IBC)? This document is a guide for developers who want to write their own IBC apps for custom use cases.
Deep Dive into Cosmos Inter Blockchain Communication Protocol - IBC …
Learn how the Cosmos IBC communication protocol enables cross-chain interoperability in a reliable and trust-minimised way, without third parties involved.
Cosmos跨链协议IBC的来龙去脉 - 知乎
IBC协议是Cosmos中最核心的 接口协议,能够实现区块链间跨链消息的可信、可靠转发,并有效进行流量控制、 多路复用 等功能。 在Cosmos中,每个功能都是高度模块化的,每个功能通过加载不同的模块来实现,IBC也是如此。 在IBC设计时,借鉴了传输层的TCP协议,也是希望成为区块链领域的“TCP协议”。 不仅如此,在IBC的各个方面也能看到TCP的身影,首先我们来看IBC中的一些基本概念。 Cosmos IBC采用了有连接的、可靠的跨链消息传输。 在此基础上提出了以下 …
Polymer Labs、Cosmos 和 IBC 简介 | 登链社区 | 区块链技术社区
2022年10月9日 · 本文介绍了区块链技术的基础知识,并探讨了跨链通信的必要性,强调了通过 IBC 协议和 Polymer Chain 实现区块链之间无缝连接的重要性。文中详细解释了 IBC 的工作原理及其在 Cosmos 生态系统中的应用,指出目前区块...