Welcome to GNX IBC Systems
本公司GNX集裝桶以其功能獨特的設計,即使是在粗率的搬運下和崎嶇地形的運輸中,亦能保持品質、適用無虞。 超時代科技集團是一家跨國集團,主要以生產聚合物相關產品為主,在印度、阿拉伯聯合大公國、巴林、泰國、波蘭、羅馬尼亞、臺灣都 建置有公司廠房以生產各式塑膠產品,同時在中國、韓國、埃及、捷克和印尼也設有合資企業來進行相關業務運作及生產作業。 公司的營運 領域,主要包括工業包裝容器、日常生活用品、汽車零件、 複合材料瓦斯瓶、 塑膠原料、 醫 …
Welcome to GNX IBC Systems
GNX Intermediate Bulk Containers are Futuristic packaging solutions, designed with exclusive features for efficient performance even in rugged terrains and rough handling. Designed and Developed by Time Technoplast Ltd. All patents rights reserved.
IBC, Intermediate Bulk Container Manufacturers Suppliers in India
Time Tech is also known as the leading supplier of IBC systems for 1000ltr, 820 ltr and returnable packaging. Time Tech group operates more than 40 production facilities in 8 countries and is recognized for its innovative plastic products. Time Technoplast has …
Intermediate Bulk Container - Time Technoplast
GNX Intermediate Bulk Container are designed with exclusive features for efficient performance even in rugged terrains and rough handling. Safe and Secure GNX ® Bulktainer are built tough and tested to meet stringent testing norms.
GNX – IBC - AL Nour Plastic Industrial Company
With the popularity of Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) spreading far & wide, IBC systems are being increasingly used in newer markets such as Middle East, Asia, far East and Africa apart from established markets of Europe & America.® Time Industrial Packaging introduces Bulktainer GNXSystems designed with exclusive features of efficient ...
GNX IBC: Every Component Perfectly Designed & Manufactured ¤ Top Lid - Screw cap with gasket DN 150 (6”) & DN 225 ( 9”) ¤ Top Resistant Bars - Holds the inner GNX IBC container in place ¤ Tube Cage - Galvanized mild steel, corrosion resistant. ¤ PE Inner Container, UV stabilized material. ¤ Label Plate - Space for labelling
GNX – Next Generation IBC Systems - Elan Incorporated FZE
These systems are ideal for transporting hazardous and precious chemicals across long land and water routes. As leading intermediate bulk container manufacturers, we understand the need for robust and reliable IBC solutions. Key Features of GNX Systems
IBC Tank Size, IBC Packing - GNX Bulktainer IBC Packing System
GNX IBC comes with unique blow molded HDPE tank, surrounded by steel cage mounted on pallet. This IBC packing developed with new sturdy design to meet a wide variety of applications. GNX IBC packing system is available in different tank sizes. The IBC tank sizes are in …
Elan Incorporated FZE | GNX® Bulk Container - WP
Aligned for Top Performance – Top cross bars and respectiveverticals aligned for a box structure. Upgrades IBC for top lift capability with reinforced cage. (Available on special request) Neat & Rust-free Drip Pan – Plastic drip pan. Prevents corrosion /rust formation.
Industrial Bulk Packaging Products - Industrial Drum, Intermediate …
IBC systems are being increasingly used in newer markets, such as Middle East, Asia, Far East and Africa apart from established markets of Europe and America. Time Group is pleased to offer specially designed GNX Bulktainer - a futuristic packaging solutions.