IBC Group | Alloy Steel Bar, Steel Pipe, Aluminized Steel
IBC GROUP is a leading one-stop steel distributor and service provider with operations in Tianjin, China. We offer a wide range of products and services including coils, steel plate, steel pipes, wire, profile, automotive aluminized steel and construction-related accessories.
Since 2009 we focus on ONE-STOP Metal service, professionally engaged in Carbon steel, Stainless steel, Special Alloy steel, non ferrous metal, construction material and Metal processing Equipment. We keep long-term strategic cooperation with TOP Resources.
IBC | The Industry’s Leading Integrated Steel Supplier
2024年9月14日 · As a leading integrated steel supplier in the industry, IBC Group occupies a significant position in the market with its rich products, intimate services and professional technical assurance. IBC Group’s products cover a full range of solutions for products ranging from basic steels to special round steels.
About - Ibc (Tianjin) Industrial Co., Ltd
As a one-stop China steel supplier of metal materials, IBC Group is committed to providing a wide range of products and services. Our products cover coil, steel plate, steel pipe, wire, profiles and other metal materials, as well as a variety of construction-related accessories.
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Bison IBC – Metal and Plastic IBCs | UK Manufacturer of metal and ...
Bison IBC is the UKs leading manufacturer of metal and plastic IBCs for the paint, ink, chemical and food industries. From our factory in central England we supply users all over the UK and Europe.
IBC-Container & IBC-Tanks kaufen: neu oder gebraucht - DENIOS
IBC (auch IBC-Tank genannt) ist die Abkürzung für „Intermediate Bulk Container“. Es handelt sich dabei um großvolumige Wasserfässer oder Tankcontainer, die beim Transport von flüssigen und rieselfähigen Stoffen (ohne Gefahrgutklasse) wie Granulate, …
Metal IBC Totes For Sale | Top IBC Durability and Resistance
Metal intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) made from carbon steel or stainless steel are one of the industry’s best UN/DOT approved containers and choices for strength, reusability, and long term service. Metal IBC tanks are available in capacity from 110 gallons up to 550 gallons, manufactured from either:
Edelstahl IBC für Flüssigkeiten, Pasten und Schüttgüter – …
Mit hochwertigen IBC-Containern aus Edelstahl haben Sie die optimalen Großpackmittel für Ihre individuelle industrielle Anwendung. Alle unsere IBC Behälter aus Edelstahl sind kranbar, unterfahrbar und stapelbar. Je nach Einsatzbereich können individuelle Zubehörteile wie Rührwerke, Füllstandmesser, Isolierungen und Beschichtungen adaptiert werden.
Edelstahl IBC & Transportbehälter 200-2000L - INOX …
Hier finden Sie gebrauchte und werksneue Transportbehälter und IBC. Haben Sie noch Fragen ? Rufen Sie uns unter +49 4221 6896062 an oder nutzen Sie das Kontaktformular.