Pujol Muntala IBCM162112M4 Helical geared motor, type IBCM 162…
Helical geared motor, type IBCM 162/112 M-4 IE3, 4,0kW, 1440 rpm, 230/400V, 50Hz, B5 - Pujol Muntala
205 160 21 245 226 162 120 269 14 38 80 kB (brake motor) d (k5) l k0 i a e g 6 g 1 g p 3 h s b f c (1)These dimensions are in dicatives, they are depending of motor manufacturers. Bare shaft d imensions are on page 12 General motors d imensions page 8, 9 & 10 ... “IBCM-IBCMF” ...
Ibcm 162 | PDF - Scribd
IBCM 162 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document appears to be a technical drawing with various dimensions and tolerances for an industrial part. Key details include dimensions for holes and …
IP – IB - Pujol
Sizes: 84, 102, 128, 142, 162; Reducers with 2 reduction stages; Available with following versions: IBC-IPC for motor connection, IP-IB with input shaft; IP casing with feet and IB with flange; Gears in hardened and ground steel; Power: up to 7,5 kW; Nominal torque: up to 617 Nm Ratios: from 2,1 to 46,03; Different input and output versions and ...
Jaes srl - Pujol Products
motor reducer - ratio: 9,4 ;power: 4kw;speed in: 1420 rpm ; n-part: ibcm 162/112m-4/151. info / ask for price
Pujol Muntala | EuroProcurement e-catalog
Helical geared motor, type IBCM 162/112 M-4 IE3, 4,0kW, 1440 rpm, 230/400V, 50Hz, B5
Serie IP - IB - Reductores Coaxiales - Pujol
La sencillez de su diseño, el bajo mantenimiento y su robustez, hacen de este reductor un todo terreno preparado para cualquier tipo de ambiente. Reductores coaxiales de hierro fundido. CARACTERÍSTICAS: Disponible en las versiones: IBC-IPC- predisposición conexión motor, IP-IB - con eje macho de entrada. Carcasas IP-con patas y IB-con brida.
Jaes srl - Pujol Muntala - IBCM162/112M-4/151
reductor | relaciÓn: 9,4; potencia: 4kw; velocidad en: 1420 rpm; n-part: ibcm 162 / 112m-4/151
IBCM162112M4 Pujol Muntala :: Unitec-D GmbH
Helical geared motor, type IBCM 162/112 M-4 IE3, 4,0kW, 1440 rpm, 230/400V, 50Hz, B5 - Pujol Muntala
- 评论数: 72
IBCM162/112M-4/156 Pujol Muntala | EuroProcurement
Request a quote for IBCM162/112M-4/156 Pujol Muntala Gear motor 9,4; 4 kW; 1420 rpm. IBC 162/9.4/ 250-28 . 112M-4 . Shaft diameter = O38k6 ; Motor shaft diameter O28k6. 243 Nm.156 rpm 5,5 CV on EuroProcurement
- 评论数: 8
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