ABSTRACT: ATLAS is one of the four big LHC experiments and recently its Pixel Detector was upgraded with a new innermost 4th layer: the Insertable B-Layer (IBL). The upgrade will result …
In particular, the Pixel detector is inserting an additional inner layer called Insertable B-Layer (IBL). The Read-Out Driver card (ROD), the Back-of-Crate card (BOC), and the S-Link …
2020年4月8日 · The IBL back of crate card will be equipped with 24 TTC transmitters and 48 data receivers to establish the aforementioned module connections. Spare optical channels will be …
Firmware development and testing of the ATLAS IBL Back Of Crate …
2015年2月1日 · The main purposes of the BOC card are the distribution of the LHC clock to all Pixel Detector components as well as interfacing the detector and the higher level readout …
Firmware development and testing of the ATLAS IBL Back-Of-Crate …
Newly developed front-end electronics and the higher than originally planned LHC luminosity will require a complete re-design of the Off-Detector-Electronics consisting of the Back-Of-Crate …
Firmware development and testing of the ATLAS IBL Back Of Crate …
ATLAS is one of the four big LHC experiments and recently its Pixel Detector was upgraded with a new innermost 4th layer: the Insertable B-Layer (IBL) . The upgrade will result in better …
Firmware development and testing of the ATLAS IBL Back Of Crate …
ATLAS is one of the four big LHC experiments and currently its Pixel Detector was upgraded with a new innermost 4th layer: the Insertable B-Layer (IBL). The upgrade will result in better …
Firmware development and testing of the ATLAS IBL Back Of Crate …
ATLAS is one of the four big LHC experiments and recently its Pixel Detector was upgraded with a new innermost 4th layer: the Insertable B-Layer (IBL) . The ...
Requirement 1: Integrating the IBL into the recent ATLAS Pixel Readout Structure The o˚-detector side of the ATLAS Pixel detector readout is a VME based system. It delivers a maxi-mum data …
Design of the ATLAS IBL Readout System - ResearchGate
2012年12月31日 · In particular, the IBL employs two 9U VME cards for the readout: the Back of Crate card (BOC) and the Read-Out Driver card (ROD), each housing three FPGAs [13]. One …
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