We are pioneers and market leaders in saliva diagnostics, with over 40 years of experience supplying a broad portfolio of luminescence- and ELISA-based tests, including our highly …
IBL International GmbH - Hamburg, Germany - bionity.com
Since 1983 (IBL-Hamburg) IBL International is engaged in the development, production and worldwide distribution of in-vitro diagnostic test systems for routine and research use. With …
IBL International GmbH, Tecan Group | LinkedIn
IBL International, Hamburg, develops, manufactures and offers a comprehensive portfolio of immunoassays for research and specialty diagnostics. These include a broad range of …
IBL 品牌介绍及代理商/经销商名单 - 丁香通品牌专区 - 丁香通
IBL International(前身是 IBL-Hamburg)有着近 30 年的开发、生产和销售免疫诊断产品的经验,是这个领域的专家。 我们的产品系列包括酶联免疫、放射免疫和发光免疫,涵盖超过 1000 …
IBL - 派克生物 - 博奥派克
IBL国际是Tecan集团旗下的一员,是一家专业的诊断产品供应商,专注于特殊的和罕见的疾病诊断指标检测。 IBL在免疫分析方法的研发、生产和供应方面有超过30年的丰富经验,产品包括: …
IBL International GmbH, part of the Tecan Group Corporate
IBL International GmbH– part of the Tecan Group – is an immunoassay provider focusing on specialty diagnostics. The company has over 30 years of experience in the development, …
Ibl International Gmbh - Hamburg 22335 (Hamburg), …
Entwicklung, Produktion und dem Vertrieb von immundiagnostischen Produkten. Unser Produktportfolio umfasst Enzym-, Radio- sowie Lumineszenzimmunoassays und mit über …
IBL International GmbH - Medical Companies
IBL-Hamburg is a manufacturer of products for the medical diagnostic lab and for research purposes. The main diagnostic areas are: Hormones in serum and saliva, infectious disease …
IBL - 北京百普洛科技有限公司
IBL International(前身是IBL-Hamburg)有着近30年的开发、生产和销售免疫诊断产品的经验,是这个领域的专家。 我们的产品系列包括酶联免疫、放射免疫和发光免疫,涵盖超过1000种广 …
IBL International | Startup City Hamburg
Corporate from Hamburg, Business model: B2B, Established: 1983, Industries: IBL International