Texture Tools - Babylon.js
Find the sources of the project Github. Drag and drop an hdr file here to start processing.
LearnOpenGL - Specular IBL
We generate the lookup texture by treating the horizontal texture coordinate (ranged between 0.0 and 1.0) of a plane as the BRDF's input n ⋅ωi n ⋅ ω i, and its vertical texture coordinate as the input roughness value. With this BRDF integration map and the pre-filtered environment map we can combine both to get the result of the specular integral:
PatrickRyanMS/IBLtextures: Custom HDR textures for IBL - GitHub
Custom HDR textures for use in 3D engines for image-based lighting. These textures have been created for the open source community and are either 32-bit renders or 32-bit photographs converted to equirectangular images.
Chapter 19. Image-Based Lighting - NVIDIA Developer
Image-based lighting provides a complex yet inexpensive alternative to numerically intensive lighting calculations. Adding a little math to this texturing method can give us a much wider range of effects than "simple" IBL, providing a stronger sense of place to our 3D images.
Using An HDR Environment For PBR - Babylon.js
IBL Texture tool. In case you have a .hdr texture, you're able to use the IBL Texture Tool to convert it in an easy way to .env. Just drag & drop your .hdr file, wait a bit, and save the .env wherever you want. Directly use .hdr files
Image Based Lighting | PolySpatial visionOS | 1.1.7 - Unity
The VisionOSImageBasedLight and VisionOSImageBasedLightReceiver components provides a hint to the platform to set a custom image based light (IBL) texture. In visionOS, this maps directly to the ImageBasedLightComponent .
LearnOpenGL - Diffuse irradiance
IBL, or image based lighting, is a collection of techniques to light objects, not by direct analytical lights as in the previous chapter, but by treating the surrounding environment as one big light source.
Babylon.js docs
The IBL used for shadows will be whatever is assigned to scene.environmentTexture. This can be either a cubemap or equirectangular environment texture. HDR textures work best. You can easily enable/disable the shadows by calling the toggleShadow(enabled: boolean) method of the pipeline. How the IBL Shadows pipeline works
Fine-tune the rendered image in the viewport. This does not affect the IBL maps. The following materials are from the original (pre-Adobe) Allegorithmic "Substance Share" site: Cobblestone, Bronze, Scratched Paint. Loading!
gdx-gltf/docs/IBL.md at master · mgsx-dev/gdx-gltf - GitHub
This repository provides a tool called "IBL Composer" to do generate these textures from an HDR image. Since it's libGDX based, it's supported for Windows, Mac, and Linux. IBL generation algorithms are directly based on Learn OpenGL articles : Diffuse irradiance and Specular IBL