IBM 1410 - Wikipedia
The IBM 1410, a member of the IBM 1400 series, was a decimal computer with a variable word length that was announced by IBM on September 12, 1960 and marketed as a midrange …
IBM 1400 series - Wikipedia
1410 is a much faster system in the same spirit as 1401, but with significant differences, such as larger memory (up to 100,000 characters), more index registers (fifteen), and additional …
The IBM 1410 - Columbia University
The IBM 1410 computer, 1960. This one is at the University of Kentucky; a photo of the Columbia 1410 is needed.
IBM 1410 Data Processing System – The Computer Collection
My most current project for the IBM 1410 involves recreating the CPU on an FPGA platform. To this end I have “processed” the SMS automated logic diagrams (ALD) and have created a …
IBM 1410 Data Processing System - IT History Society
The IBM 1410, a member of the IBM 1400 series, was a variable wordlength decimal computer that was announced by IBM on September 12, 1960 and marketed as a midrange "Business …
The IBM 1410 Processor Operating System (formerly called "1410 Compiler System") is designed to enable IBM 1410 installations to use the FORTRAN, COBOL, RPG (Report Program …
IBM 1410 MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download IBM 1410 manual online. Data Processing System. 1410 desktop pdf manual download.
Information about the IBM 1410 & IBM 7010 - Sky Visions
The IBM 1410 and 7010 were designed as enhancements to the IBM 1401, these were somewhat source compatable, but not binary compatable. The 1410 was introduced on September, 12 …
IBM 1410 - Jay Jaeger - computercollection.net
The IBM 1410 was the system for which the acronym SPOOL was developed. The IBM 1410 SPOOL program (SPOOL stands for Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On Line) was used …
IBM’s early operating systems for 1410, 7090, and S/360 A Blog
The IBM 1410 program that was a "real" operating system was 1410-PR-155 . It had a true resident monitor and also a transitional monitor that was loaded between program executions …