History of IBM magnetic disk drives - Wikipedia
The IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage Device was introduced in June 1980. [47] It uses film head technology and has a unit capacity of 2.52 gigabytes (two hard disk assemblies each with two independent actuators each accessing 630 MB within one 3380 unit) with a data transfer rate of 3 megabytes per second.
60年发展史被短短6年颠覆:让人唏嘘的机械硬盘 - 知乎
真正的第一款GB级容量硬盘是由IBM 于1980年推出的 IBM 3380,容量达2.5GB。 跟现在的轻量级硬盘不同,IBM 3380的重量超过500磅。 同年,两位前IBM员工创立的公司开发推出第一款5.25英寸的硬盘ST-506,硬盘初始容量为5MB,这是首款面向个人用户的硬盘产品。 而该公司正是 希捷 (SEAGATE)公司。 这款硬盘也是存储行业第一次引入了计算系统中独立磁盘控制器的概念。 4、1991年,硬盘技术取得巨大突破.
IBM 3380:世界首个GB级别的硬盘 - ZOL
IBM存储技术领域创新不断,在1980年,IBM推出世界首个GB级别的 硬盘 驱动器IBM 3380。 它相当于一个 冰箱 大小,重量大概为250KG,市场售价为4万美元。 IBM 3380磁盘驱动器. 存储子系统协同在1987年IBM推出IBM 3380系列 产品 之后,被赋予了新的内涵。 直接访问存储设备IBM 3380-J和IBM 3380-K配 合IBM 3990存储控制,可以实现3380标准存储容量的三倍之多。 由于采用了重新设计的滑动装置和更加灵敏的读写磁头,3380-K每平方英寸的存储密度超过3500万位 …
History of IBM CKD Controllers - Wikipedia
The 3380 Model CJ2 provides both the storage functions of one 3380 DASD (two devices) and the storage control functions of a 3990 model I (two paths to A-units) in a single unit. It connects to two, four or eight block multiplexor channels.
硬盘进化史:尺寸微缩,容量飞跃 - 系统总裁
2024年4月2日 · IBM 350 Disk Storage Unit,作为IBM 305 RAMAC系统的存储核心,是世界上首个商用硬盘驱动器,它采用磁性存储原理实现数据的随机存取,虽体积庞大且容量有限(约5MB),但在当时使用流行的8bit编码系统而言,已经可以存储大量文本与记录,并通过并行接口 …
Abstract: The IBM 3380, announced in June, 1980, and eventually shipped in October, 1981, for mainframe applications, encountered many difficult development problems, but eventually became one of IBM’s all-time highest cash producers.
First Gigabyte Hard Drive: The IBM 3380 HDA - APHELIS
The first hard drive to break the one gigabyte barrier was the hard drive assembly made by IBM in 1980 for its new 3380 series.
In February 1985, IBM added two new model types to its 3380 family of direct access storage devices, offering up to a 15 percent increase in performance over the three standard IBM 3380 units. These new extended capability models were available in single capacity (AD4 and BD4) and double capacity (AE4 and BE4) versions.
The IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage offers increased capacity, improved access time and data transfer rate, and reduced storage costs to users of larger data processing systems. It features higher data densities, a number of engineering enhancements, and the …
人类存储简史:波澜壮阔的机械硬盘史! - 百家号
2022年11月19日 · 1980年,第一个gb级别的存储器—— ibm 3380问世。 曾参与该机开发的工程师形容他时说这是一台“big refrigerator”。 这个庞然大物的容量达到了2.52GB。