IBM 8265 ATM Backbone Switch hardware architecture
1999年3月25日 · The IBM 8265 ATM Backbone Switch is the latest switch in the family of IBM ATM switches, designed for building large scale and reliable ATM network backbones. Two articles on the IBM 8265 are provided in this journal, describing the hardware architecture and the software architecture separately.
Introducing a new platform for the next generation of high-end ATM backbone networks—the IBM 8265 Nways® ATM Switch. It’s the most powerful of IBM’s growing family of ATM switches, with an open architecture designed to address ATM backbone network requirements for high switching capability, high port density and high reliability.
Introduction Part 0 8265 Switch Overview The IBM 8265 Nways ATM Switch is a modular chassis that provides high flexibility in designing and configuring ATM networks. The IBM 8265 is fully compatible with existing IBM 8260- and IBM 8285-based ATM networks, and allows the installation of 8265 and 8260 ATM media modules.
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IBM 8265 Nways ATM Switch Product Description - manualzz
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The IBM 8265 Nways ® ATM Switch is the most powerful of IBM’s growing family of ATM switches, with an open architecture designed to address ATM backbone network requirements for high switching capability, high port density and high
IBM 8265 ATM Backbone Switch software architecture
1999年3月25日 · The IBM 8265 ATM Backbone Switch is the latest switch in the family of IBM ATM switches, designed for building large scale and reliable LAN/WAN network backbones. The 8265 uses IBM's leading edge switching fabric PRIZMA ™, delivering an aggregate throughput of 12.3 Gbps full duplex on a 24.6 Gbps redundant ATM backplane.
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IBM 8265 ATM Backbone Switch software architecture
1999年3月25日 · The IBM 8265 ATM Backbone Switch is the latest switch in the family of IBM ATM switches, designed for building large scale and reliable LAN/WAN network backbones. The 8265 uses IBM's leading edge switching fabric PRIZMA™, delivering an aggregate throughput of 12.3 Gbps full duplex on a 24.6 Gbps redundant ATM backplane.
IBM NWAYS 8265 USER MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download IBM Nways 8265 user manual online. ATM Switch. Nways 8265 switch pdf manual download.