IBM DB2 with BLU Acceleration
2014年7月17日 · IBM DB2® with BLU Acceleration is a revolutionary technology, delivered in DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Release 10.5. Using dynamic in-memory columnar …
IBM DB2® with BLU Acceleration is a revolutionary technology, delivered in DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Release 10.5. Using dynamic in-memory columnar technologies, BLU …
Exploiting frequency-based dictionary compres-sion and main-memory query processing technology from the Blink project at IBM Research - Almaden, DB2 BLU per-forms most SQL …
BLU Acceleration is a new collection of technologies for analytic queries that are introduced in DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Version 10.5 (DB2 10.51). At its heart, BLU Acceleration is …
DB2 Basics: What is BLU? - DataGeek.blog
2015年1月6日 · BLU leverages the DB2 engine but is a significantly different animal in many ways from DB2 without BLU. BLU combines a number of things to get blazing fast performance for …
DB2 BLU加速器功能简介 - 阿里云开发者社区
IBM在DB2 10.5版本中推出了BLU Accelerator,IBM对于列存储的支持晚于TeraData,Sybase等数据库厂商。BLU Acceleration作为IBM全球数百位顶尖研究人员智慧结晶,BLU具有内存列 …
DB2 with BLU acceleration: so much more than just a column …
2013年8月1日 · Exploiting frequency-based dictionary compression and main-memory query processing technology from the Blink project at IBM Research - Almaden, DB2 BLU performs …
Architecting and Deploying DB2 with BLU Acceleration - IBM Redbooks
2014年10月13日 · This IBM Redbooks® publication introduces the concepts of DB2 with BLU Acceleration. It discusses the steps to move from a relational database to using BLU …
Optimizing analytic workloads using DB2 10.5 with BLU Acceleration - IBM
2022年12月2日 · DB2 10.5 with BLU Acceleration is a combination of complementary innovations from IBM that simplifies and speeds up analytic workloads. It is easy to implement and is self …
IBM卢伟权详解DB2 BLU加速器四大关键技术-数据库-软件频道-至 …
作为业界主流的三大数据库之一的ibm db2,在2013年推出了带有blu加速技术的db2 10.5版本,它在分析工作负载处理方面结合列式数据存储功能,以及先进的压缩和硬件开发技术,可实现对 …