IBM Garage
IBM Garage aligns work to your biggest drivers of value, transparently tracks that value as it’s realized in each stage of a program, and scales the new ways of working by bringing together the best of enterprise design thinking, agile development, and DevSecOps practices, accelerated by generative AI tools from IBM and partners.
Garage - IBM
IBM Garage applies strategy, design and technology to digitally reinvent your business. We take a human-centered, outcomes-led approach to defining your digital strategy and delivering exceptional customer experiences to build your business.
被低估了的数字化方法论 | IBM车库方法 IBM Garage - 知乎
IBM 车库方法论是一套从数字化驱动的组织文化总体转型,到基于云的数字化产品创造的端到端方法,其特点是: “数字化转型”这个名词提出这么多年来,我较少看见全球技术公司提出这样体系完整、同时又完全对用户开放的方法论体系——有些国际云大厂虽然也有类似方法论,但是体系性和用户开放性都还不够,有些技术咨询公司的数字化产品方法论显得过于技术。 国内的几家云大厂更是缺乏这样完整的方法论体系,也没有把自己的云服务以及DEVOPS工具和方法论体系进行包 …
An intro to the IBM Garage Method
2019年9月26日 · The IBM Garage Methodology reinforces Enterprise Design Thinking, Lean Startup, and agile DevOps concepts and is fundamental to the transformation of your enterprise. The Method is a collection of curated practices and workflows to help you rapidly define, design, build, deploy, and scale innovative solutions This article shows you how to ...
“IBM车库”里面到底装的啥?| IBM超in播2019第9期 - 搜狐
2019年9月20日 · IBM Garage是一种创新方式,它包括体系、方法和实践,最终目标是推动以消费者为中心的价值链重塑,帮助企业完成数字化转型。 具体来讲,IBM Garage是从最小应用场景开始,经过不断迭代,用科技工具和管理咨询的方法来帮助企业转型,用客户体验和数据来驱动创新,以商业效果为目的的一种创新方式。 如果用一句话来进行总结, IBM Garage就是以初创企业的速度,实现成熟企业的规模。 IBM 车库(IBM Garage) 与传统车库方法论区别: 传统车库 …
IBM Garage创新方法论:日丰企业集团的数字化转型“最优解”
2020年7月9日 · IBM Garage(车库创新)为日丰企业集团提供了一个智慧转型的契机。2019年,中国首个IBM Garage物理空间落户佛山市三水区,依托这一制造业重镇,为粤港澳大湾区带来了高质量的创新活力。日丰企业集团就是首批5家深度孵化企业之一。
IBM Garage Aims To Steer The Drive To Cognitive Business - Forbes
2019年7月5日 · IBM says that its garage experience can happen anywhere in the world, in dedicated IBM spaces or client offices or even virtual environments. Inside the garage itself, the company promises...
How IBM Garage is Meeting the Accelerated Demand for Digital Transformation
2020年10月22日 · Since the pandemic hit, companies around the world have accelerated their digital transformations, adopting cloud-based remote collaboration tools and seeking data-driven insights. Helping companies on this journey is IBM Garage—IBM’s approach to fast-tracking innovation, at scale, to transform organizations from the inside out.
IBM Garage
IBM Garage 运用注重价值的协作参与模型,帮助企业降低转型风险,同时快速扩大影响力。 IBM Garage 根据企业的最大价值驱动因素开展工作,透明地跟踪项目每个阶段实现的价值,并充分利用企业设计思维、敏捷开发和 DevSecOps 实践以及 IBM 与合作伙伴提供的生成式 ...
IBM Garage Experience
IBM Garage Experience is a program governance platform that helps you prioritize, align and transparently track your most critical initiatives and understand their value.
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