OCPM Perspective - Celonis
2024年10月11日 · This section describes the main components of an object centric process mining (OCPM) based perspective. The object-centric process mining perspectives will be the successors of data models to leverage the advantages which are offered by using a holistic model which contains all business objects, event types and the information about how these ...
All About OCPM | Celonis Academy
Learn the fundamentals of Object-Centric Process Mining. Understand its benefits, build an object-centric data model and uncover insights with OCPM technology.
一文讲透CPM,ECPM,OCPM,到底是什么,有什么影响? - 知乎
Ecpm:①针对 媒体,是衡量媒体的 预估收益(包含广告位收益和用户体验),是 效果衡量指标。 简单的理解就是媒体把这1000个广告位卖给你,他能收多钱。 ②针对 广告主, 是表示高排名高曝光,是一个竞价的值。 这个数值是实时变动的;每个广告每秒钟都会有好多展现,每个展现都会影响你的ecpm值评分, 流量池 里千万条广告,差0.00001就会差好多个排名;而且会有 马太效应,好的越好,差的越差;ecpm公式都知道,但就 预估点击率 和 预估转化率,多了个预 …
OCPM: An introduction to Object-Centric Process Mining
2023年12月11日 · This paper firstly in short illustrated the main PM techniques and then described what is Object-Centric Process Mining (OCPM) and how it overcome standard PM challenges allowing also the...
What is object-centric process mining? - TechTarget
Object-centric process mining (OCPM) is a data science technique to help businesses discover, assess, validate and improve interrelated workflows and processes. Context is important in understanding OCPM.
OC-PM: analyzing object-centric event logs and process models
2022年9月20日 · Object-centric process mining is a novel branch of process mining that aims to analyze event data from mainstream information systems (such as SAP) more naturally, without being forced to form mutually exclusive groups of events with the specification of a case notion.
What is object-centric process mining? - Celonis
Object-centric process mining (OCPM) is a novel approach to process mining and execution management that overcomes the limitations of traditional techniques and allows organizations to better visualize and analyze the complexity and interconnectedness of …
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一文详解oCPM的原理、使用方法等 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
oCPM,即Optimized Cost per Mille(优化千次展现出价),是基于投放目标和期望转化成本的智能出价模式,可以理解为CPM的“自动出价”版本。 在广告投放中选定优化目标、设定目标平均价格,并且回传效果数据后,oCPM算法将借助 转化预估模型 ,自动出价并最终按 ...
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