IBM JX - Wikipedia
The IBM JX (or JXPC) was a personal computer released in 1984 into the Japanese, Australian and New Zealand markets. Designed in Japan, it was based on the technology of the IBM PCjr and was designated the IBM 5511 .
IBM JX Information Page - thepcmuseum.com
It was a completely integrated computer system that gave you the advantages of the PCjr Graphics and Sound, 100% software compatibility with the jr - including cartridges - while also giving you a good amount of compatibility with PC software with …
IBM JX - Wikipedia
IBM JX (あいびーえむじぇいえっくす)は、 IBM が日本、 オーストラリア 、 ニュージーランド を含むアジア太平洋地区で販売した家庭用 パーソナルコンピュータ である。 日本では 1984年 にJX1~JX4 (IBM 5511)、翌 1985年 に改良型のJX5 (IBM 5510)が発売された。 イメージキャラクターには 森進一 、CMソングは『夢・ステファニー(ロマンティック・トリップ)』を使用したが、商業的には失敗に終わった。 一般家庭用のパソコンでは 8ビット 機が主流 …
IBM JX - The IBM PCjr. 2.0 (Revised Article) - Blogger
2021年3月20日 · In 1985, IBM released a computer in Japan, Australia and New Zealand called the IBM JX, Model 5511. Essentially it was an upgraded PCjr., and in some respects what the PCjr. should have been. In fact, upon rumors of the JX making it to the United States, at least one commentator dubbed it the PCjr.
IBM PC JX history and background - Vintage Computer …
2017年11月1日 · I've finally managed to dump a lot of the information I've been reading on the IBM PC JX computer, which appeared in Japan in the mid 1980's. I decided to do a video on it where I talk about the history and provide some background on it's creation. I also show one of the ones I have.
IBM PC Jx Technical Reference Manual : IBM - Archive.org
2014年12月31日 · This manual covers the Japanese variant of the IBM PC Jr. From the Preface: This manual contains necessary information for the development of I/O devices and software.
IBM failed to capture the home computer market in the USA with the IBM PCjr. So they put their tail between their legs and tried again with the IBM JX in Australia & Japan. Once again, they failed to interest the consumers with this architecture. Basically, it is a crippled IBM PC, with proprietary slots and a few nifty features.
Personal Computer - IBM, Model JX, 1980s
1996年3月21日 · IBM "JX" computer, mid 1980s personal computer, designed as a home unit instead of the more expensive XT and AT models, used infra-red-linked keyboard. The JX computer was one of IBM's biggest marketing mistakes.
IBM JX 5511 (1984): Ruben's Retro Corner - retro.rubenerd.com
2024年7月5日 · The IBM JX was a vastly improved PCjr, released only in Japan, Australia, and New Zealand in 1984. It included more memory, better graphics, dual 3.5-inch floppy drives on the higher-end models, a far better keyboard, and the option for an expansion chassis for a hard drive and 5.25 disk drive.
JX PC DOS 2.1 : IBM Far East : Free Download, Borrow, and …
2019年11月7日 · - Super Card Pro Image of JX Boot Disk - Standard IMG format for 40 track, 2 head, 9 sector disc Comes complete with memory drivers to take advantage of > 128k RAM.
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