PowerHA SystemMirror for i overview - IBM
IBM PowerHA System Mirror for i provides end-to-end integrated clustering solutions for high availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR). PowerHA is an integrated extension of the IBM i operating system and offers environmental, application, and data resiliency solutions for managing access and storage in the event of planned or unplanned outages.
ISPF keyboard keys and functions - IBM
Keyboard mapping lists some of the most frequently used PF keys and other keyboard functions and their corresponding keys. The examples in this section use these keyboard settings. For example, directions to press Enter mean that you should press the …
金融サービス向けデジタルサービス・プラットフォーム(DSP)の活用が拡がるワケ | IBM
2022年6月9日 · 日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社(以下、IBM)は2020年6月金融機関のデジタル・トランスフォーメーション(以下、DX)推進を支援する新たな取り組みとして「オープン・ソーシング戦略フレームワーク」およびその中核ソリューションである「金融サービス向けデジタルサービス・プラットフォーム(以下、DSP)を発表した。 本稿では、このDSPの最新の活用方法について紹介する。 DSP発表当時の日本は、新型コロナウイルス感染症の猛威と戦って …
International Technical Support Organization PowerHA SystemMirror for IBM i Cookbook January 2012 SG24-7994-00
ibm midrange - How to read Source files like normal PF/LF - Stack Overflow
2017年6月13日 · I'm currently working on a programm that transfers physical files from productive environment to my test environment. To accomplish this I want to. A co-worker told me to use CL an OVRDBF the QRPGSRC, define the QRPGSRC in my F-Specs and use them like every other PF (READ/CHAIN on the member name).
PF Transfer - Issues / Challenges - India Separations Help Center
Employees can face several issues/ challenges when transferring the PF into IBM or to the new employer. Some of the common reasons are listed here. 1) PF for IBM employees is managed by the EPFO whereas some companies also manage the fund through dedicated Trusts they have set up (Ex: Infosys, TCS, HCL).
IBM javacore 分析工具IBM Thread and Monitor Dump
2021年11月18日 · IBM Thread and Monitor Dump Analyzer for Java (TMDA) 是允许识别 Java 线程转储中的挂起、死锁、资源争用和瓶颈的工具。 打开终端或命令提示符并将目录更改为您下载 JAR 文件的位置。 确保 Java 在您的 PATH 上以运行该工具。 在 Linux 等基于 POSIX 的系统上请求线程转储的最简单方法是发送 kill -3 信号,该信号非破坏性地暂停 JVM,创建线程转储,然后 JVM 继续(暂停通常是几百毫秒)最多)。 例如(将 $ {PID} 替换为 Java 进程的进程 ID): …
PowerHA Tools for IBM i - Full System Replication
The Full System Replication Manager is a toolkit designed to help automate and manage DS8K and Storage Virtualize replication and switches for IBM i LPARs. It consists of a controlling LPAR (IBM i) which communicates with the storage unit, the LPAR HMC, and the production LPARs.
The IBM® PureData® System for Analytics, powered by Netezza® technology, transforms the data warehouse and analytics landscape with a platform that is built to deliver price-performance with appliance simplicity. It can carry out monumental processing challenges quickly, without barriers or compromises.
IBM Power modernizes infrastructure and accelerates innovation …
2024年11月13日 · In 2025, IBM intends to deliver a code assistant for RPG - a generative AI tool which helps developers of IBM i software understand existing RPG code, create new RPG function using natural language description, and automatically generate test cases for RPG code.