IBM SSEC - Wikipedia
The IBM Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator (SSEC) was an electromechanical computer built by IBM. Its design was started in late 1944 and it operated from January 1948 to August 1952.
IBM SSEC - Columbia University
2023年9月22日 · The Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator (SSEC) was the first machine to combine electronic computation with a stored program, and the first machine capable of operating on its own instructions as data. When placed in operation in 1948, and for some time thereafter, it was the most flexible and powerful computer in existence.
IBM SSEC - 百度百科
顺序 电子计算器 (SSEC计算器),这是IBM公司早期的电子(真空管)机器之一。 这台庞大的SSEC计算器占满了一间大屋子,遍布着管子和电线。 巴库斯受聘在SSEC计算器上工作。 这台机器从现代意义上来说实际上不是计算机。 它没有存储软件的存储器,程序必须通过穿孔纸带输入。 SSEC计算器有着成千上万个电子机械部件,运行并不可靠。 而且运算速度很慢。 巴库斯的工作任务之一是照看这台机器,当计算机停止运行时,做好维修和恢复工作,使其重新运行。 SSEC …
The Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator - IBM
The Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator (SSEC) would build on the breakthroughs IBM had achieved a year earlier with the Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator, also known as the Mark I, the largest electromechanical calculator ever built and …
第一批冯·诺依曼计算机 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
SSEC:第一台具有存储程序特点的计算机. 第一台涉足存储程序的计算机是由IBM独立于 ENIAC 和EDVAC完成的。还记得那台让IBM与哈佛结下梁子的 Harvard Mark I 吗?就在建成它的同一年,没能如愿提高公司形象的IBM立马豪掷100万美元,启动了自己的独立项目SSEC——顺序 ...
A Large-Scale, General-Purpose Electronic Digital Calculator: The SSEC
This paper, written and intended for publication in 1948, describes IBM's Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator (SSEC), which was placed in regular operation that year. The machine combined electronic computation with a memory system that included electronic, relay, and paper-tape sections.
The SSEC: IBM’s “Electron Brain” and Reaching the Moon
2011年2月23日 · On January 27, 1948, a large group of scientists, educators, and civic and business leaders crowded the halls of IBM’s World Headquarters in New York City for the official dedication of the SSEC by IBM president Thomas J. Watson, from whom the newest supercomputer derives its name.
The SSEC in Historical Perspective - research.ibm.com
The Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator (SSEC) was the first machine to combine electronic computation with a stored program, and the first machine capable of operating on its own instructions as data. When placed in operation in 1948, and for some time thereafter, it was the most flexible and powerful computer in existence.
蓝色巨人——IBM公司发展史 - YY哥 - 博客园
2009年3月19日 · 沃森下令迅速研制IBM自己的“最好、 最新、最大的超级计算机”。 1947年,在同样花了100万美元后,IBM推出“选择顺序控制计算机”(SSEC)。 然而,这台机器属于传统与创新的“大杂烩”,12500只电子管和21400只继电器不协调地组装在一起,全长足有120英尺。 它虽然代表着IBM从制表机行业迈向计算机领域,但业界却称它是“巨大的科技恐龙”,它甚至不是储存程序的计算机。 70多岁高龄的老沃森声望太高,以至在《美国名人录》里创下所占篇幅最大、词条 …
IBM Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator - IT History Society
The IBM Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator (SSEC) was an electromechanical computer built by IBM. Its design was started in late 1944, and it operated from January 1948 to 1952. It had many of the features of a stored-program computer and was the first operational machine able to treat its instructions as data, but it was not fully ...
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