IBR-2 - Объединенный институт ядерных ...
The IBR-2 reactor with its unique technical approach produces one of the most intense neutron fluxes at the moderator surface among the world's reactors: ~10 16 n/cm 2 /s, with a power of 1850 MW in pulse.
IBR-2 User Club
Yesterday, on February 12, 2025, the IBR-2 reactor successfully reached a test power of 250 kW after a long shutdown since 2021. The first test cycle of the reactor operation for physicists is scheduled for February 17, 2025. Seminar dedicated to the 40th anniversary of commissioning of the IBR-2 reactor.
IBR-2 Reactor Parameters - flnp.jinr.int
IBR-2 is a pulsed fast reactor of periodic operation. Its main difference from other reactors consists in mechanical reactivity modulation by a movable reflector. The movable reflector is a complex mechanical system providing reliable operation of two parts, which determine the reactivity modulation: the main movable reflector and the auxiliary ...
JINR I.M. Frank核研究所IBR-2研究脉冲反应堆成功完成首个运行周 …
2025年3月7日 · 近日,在中子物理实验室,经过长期关闭后的IBR-2研究脉冲反应堆在位于俄罗斯的联合核研究所(JINR)I.M. Frank核研究所成功完成了其首个运行周期。这一重要里程碑标志着反应堆在经过必要维护和升级后,已恢复运行并达到设计容量。据了解,2024年12月底,JINR正式收到了启动反应堆并使其达到设计 ...
俄罗斯联邦信息和通信技术监督局已批准重启杜布纳的 IBR-2 反应 …
2025年2月4日 · 脉冲反应堆是一种能在很短时间间隔内达到超临界状态,从而产生很高脉冲功率和很强中子通量,并能安全可靠地多次重复运行的反应堆。ibr-2作为脉冲反应堆,具备这些特点,并在维修完成后准备重新开始运行,以支持各种物理实验和研究活动。
俄罗斯技术监督局颁发了重新启动杜布纳 IBR-2 反应堆的许可证
IBR-2 脉冲反应堆于 2021 年 10 月关闭。 据联合核研究所总工程师亚历山大-维诺格拉多夫 (Alexander Vinogradov)介绍,反应堆空气热交换器的计划维修工作已于2024年底完成。 “我们从事该设备的维修工作已将近三年。 亚历山大-维诺格拉多夫说:"这是一项复杂的工作,完成后我们将所有文件送交俄罗斯技术监督局,并顺利通过了专家审查。 在 2 月 17 日至 3 月 3 日 IBR-2 运营的第一个周期内,将对反应堆特性进行检查,并对物理 实验设备进行调整。 之后,将向俄罗斯 …
FCC PAC会议聚焦IBR-2反应堆恢复运行准备工作和光谱仪综合体开 …
2025年2月4日 · ibr-2是一个脉冲反应堆,位于杜布纳的中子物理实验室,经过维修后已重新获得运行许可,并定于特定日期开始其第一个运行周期 。 IBR-2反应堆在2021年10月关闭,随后进行了空气热交换器的维修工作。
Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, JINR, Dubna, Russia
There is a wide number of scientific instruments included in the user program for diffraction, small-angle scattering, reflectometry, inelastic scattering, neutron imaging, nuclear physics, neutron activation analysis. IBR-2 work schedule.
Pulsed Fast Reactor IBR-2 after Modernization - Springer
2020年10月8日 · The IBR-2, a powerful high-flux pulsed reactor of periodic operation, was commissioned in 1984 at an average power of 2 MW. In 2007, the reactor reached the service life limit on fuel burn up and fluence on the reactor vessel and was shut down for modernization and replacement of the main equipment.
The IBR-2 research reactor is a fast pulsed reactor of periodic operation and its main difference from other reactors consists in mechanical reactivity modulation with a movable reflector, which ensures a cyclic process of profound changes in reactivity with time.