Lemon Slice Nebula - Wikipedia
IC 3568 is a planetary nebula that is 1.3 kiloparsecs (4500 ly) away from Earth in the constellation of Camelopardalis (just 7.5 degrees from Polaris). It is a relatively young nebula and has a …
檸檬片星雲 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
檸檬片星雲,也稱為 IC 3568,是個距離地球約1,300 秒差距 (4,500光年)的 行星狀星雲。 它位於 鹿豹座,距離 北極星 只有7.5度。 它是個相對年輕的星雲,核心的直徑僅約0.4 光年 [1][2] …
Hubble's Planetary Nebula Gallery. A View of IC 3568
1997年12月17日 · IC 3568 lies in the constellation Camelopardalis at a distance of about 9, 000 light-years, and has a diameter of about 0.4 light-years (or about 800 times the diameter of our …
IC3568 - 百度百科
柠檬片星云,也称为IC 3568,是个距离地球约1,300 秒差距 (4,500光年)的 行星状星云。 它位于 鹿豹座,距离 北极星 只有7.5度。 它是个相对年轻的星云,核心的直径仅约0.4 光年。 柠 …
Lemon Slice Nebula (IC 3568) - Deep⋆Sky Corner
The planetary nebula IC 3568 is located within the IAU boundary of the inconspicuous constellation Camelopardalis, but it lies closer to the more conspicuous constellation Ursa …
IC 3568 - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
On the periphery of the modern constellation Camelopardalis, it has the distinction of being the most northerly of the classic planetaries, just 7.5 degrees south of Polaris, more or less …
Round Planetary Nebula IC 3568 - Science@NASA
1997年12月17日 · IC 3568 lies in the constellation Camelopardalis at a distance of about 9,000 light-years, and has a diameter of about 0.4 light-years (or about 800 times the diameter of our …
IC 3568 - Planetary Nebula in Camelopardalis - TheSkyLive.com
IC 3568 is a Planetary Nebula in the Camelopardalis constellation. IC 3568 is situated close to the northern celestial pole and, as such, it is visible for most part of the year from the northern …
Lemon Slice Nebula (IC 3568) - Constellation Guide
2024年2月8日 · The Lemon Slice Nebula (IC 3568) is a planetary nebula located approximately 4,500 light-years away in the constellation Camelopardalis. It lies in the region of the north …
IC 3568, the Lemon Slice Nebula - AstroBin
The Lemon Slice Nebula (IC 3568) is a young planetary nebula in the constellation Camelopardalis the giraffe. It is probably one the simplest planetary nebulae with an almost …