IC410, The Tadpoles Nebula - A star nursery - Sky & Telescope
IC410 is a dusty emission nebula located in the constellation of Auriga at about 12.000 ly from Earth. It is part of a larger star forming region that also contains the Flaming Star Nebula. The gas structures in this picture are lit by the radiation from the open star cluster NGC1893 that lies in the center of the nebula.
IC410 - 百度百科
位于北天御夫座内的 发射星云 ic 410(偏上),是北天星空的一朵暗淡尘埃玫瑰。 受到前景尘埃部份遮掩的IC 410,本身围拱著年轻 银河星团 NGC1893,因而受到激发而放出辉光。
Tadpole Nebula (IC 410) - Constellation Guide
2023年2月6日 · The Tadpole Nebula (IC 410) is an H II region located approximately 12,400 light-years away in the northern constellation Auriga. It is associated with the young open cluster NGC 1893. The cluster has an apparent magnitude of 7.5 and an apparent size of 11 arcminutes. It is an easy target for small telescopes.
蝌蚪星云 - 百度百科
位于北天御夫座内的 发射星云 ic 410(偏上),是北天星空的一朵暗淡尘埃玫瑰。 受到前景尘埃部份遮掩的IC 410,本身围拱著年轻 银河星团 NGC1893,因而受到激发而放出辉光。
IC410(散光星雲・ぎょしゃ座) - orio.blog
2016年1月18日 · IC410は構成する星間雲が凝縮して星が生まれ、周囲の星間雲を照らし電離発光させている姿です。 星雲の左上に ある星雲中心から外に向かって2つのガスの流れのように見える部分はその形から「おたまじゃくし」と呼ばれています。 IC 410星雲の形は一角獣座のバラ星雲に似ていますが、同じ星間雲が凝縮して星の生まれている星雲のためで偶然ではありません。 IC 410は大きなぎょしゃ座OB2領域の中心、核となる部分にあります。 地球からの距 …
Tadpole Nebula - BBC Sky at Night Magazine
IC 410 is located 12,000 lightyears from Earth in the Auriga constellation, and is nicknamed the Tadpole Nebula because of the tadpole-shaped clouds of dark dust that appear to be …
NGC 1893与IC 410的蝌蚪 | NASA中文
2024年2月2日 · 在这个星际尘埃与气体池塘的中右方,可见到名为ic 410″蝌蚪”的2团云气。 部分受到前景尘埃遮掩的IC 410,本身环拱着编录号为 NGC 1893 的年轻银河星团。
IC 410的蝌蚪云 | NASA中文
2020年6月18日 · 受到前景尘埃部分遮掩的ic 410,本身环拱著编录号为ngc 1893的年轻银河星团。 而刚在4百万年前,形成于星际云内的这群极端炽热且明亮的年轻恒星,则激发周围的云气散发出辉光。
APOD: 2020 June 18 - The Tadpoles of IC 410
Below and right of center are the tadpoles of IC 410. Partly obscured by foreground dust, the nebula itself surrounds NGC 1893, a young galactic cluster of stars. Formed in the interstellar cloud a mere 4 million years ago, the intensely hot, bright cluster stars energize the glowing gas.
IC 410 ( Sh2-236) in Aurigaa - IRIDA Observatory
NGC 410 is a dusty emission nebula located in the northern constellation Auriga. It is about 12000 light years distant and over 100 light-years across. Partly obscured by foreground dust, the nebula itself surrounds NGC 1893, a young cluster of stars.