IC Cores or Interchangeable Cores | ICCores.com
what is ic core? IC Core, short for "interchangeable core," is a style of lock which has a cylinder that can easily be replaced within a matter of seconds by use of a unique "control key." IC Cores have a distinctive figure-8 shape, and can accomodate a multitude of key shapes and styles.
ICCores.com | Main's Lock Supply
Locks Cylinders Keys Remotes Pins Chips IC Cores transponder keys, locksmith supplies, locksmith supply, chip keys, high security lock picks. Toggle navigation. END USERS; LOCKSMITHS; PRODUCTS; Get A Quote; Recycle Your Used Cores; About Us; 800-352-1773. Products. keys. BEST SFIC CORE KEYS: Standard A thru TE, 1C/1D (Stanley)
ICCores.com | Main's Lock Supply
Al IC Core Formats Supported. From Best SFIC to Schlage, Corbin, Sargent, and Yale LFIC, we work on them all. We also have a huge selection of cores, housings, locks, & accessories in various finishes and sizes for your business
ICCores.com | Main's Lock Supply
Do your cores need to have "BEST" stamped on their faces? (Requesting OEM Best Originals adds a significant cost. Instead, consider Stanley cores, which are made by the same people in the same US-based factory using the same tools and machines at a fraction of the cost.
ICCores.com | Main's Lock Supply
IC Core, short for interchangeable core, is a style of lock which has a cylinder that can easily be replaced within a matter of seconds by use of a unique control key.